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时间:2018-04-09 20:48来源:英语论文
1.2 Definition of Rhyme Rhetoric has been widely used in the advertising language. Rhetorical devices consist of metaphor, personification, hyperbole, pun, parallelism, rhyme and so on and this study

1.2 Definition of Rhyme
Rhetoric has been widely used in the advertising language. Rhetorical devices consist 
of metaphor, personification, hyperbole, pun, parallelism, rhyme and so on and this study is centered on rhyme. The most common types of rhyme would be alliteration, assonance and end-rhyme. The use of alliteration, assonance and end-rhyme is great in number in English and rhyme is indispensable in advertising, which set a big store on aesthetic value and rhythm sensation. Alliteration comes from the Latin language -- lettera, which means "repeated game in the same letters". Dictionary of Literary Terms of Cuddon (1979: 126) defined alliteration as "A figure of speech in which consonants, esp., at the beginning of words, or stressed syllables are repeated." (a particularly in the beginning consonants or stressed syllable repeated rhetoric). Liu Yingkai (1989) compared alliteration in English with “shuang sheng” in Chinese, he thinks that the same point of alliteration and shuang sheng only takes a small portion. So, alliteration should not be translated as "tou yun “instead of “shuang sheng”. Assonance is a use of the same vowel sound with different consonants or the same consonant with different vowels in successive words or stressed syllables. It is often used in a line of verse. End-rhyme indicates the repetition of final phoneme. The main function of rhetoric of phonological aspects is to make the statement catchy, melodious, while the key to success of advertising is appeal, rhyming application can make advertising more rhythm, easy memory. This will attract the interest of consumers, stimulate their desire to buy. In all the rhetoric, rhyme is one of the most attractive and the most commonly used. Relative accuracy, rhymed translation strategies in advertising translation is crucial, directly affecting the advertising effect.
Rhyme is the most important and widely used method English rhetoric in advertising. The most commonly used are Alliteration and end rhyme. Alliteration refers to the same initial consonants that appear repeatedly in the set of words, a word or a line of poetry. End rhyme refers to the same final consonants that appear repeatedly in the set of words, a word or a line of poetry. Rhyme also means the places that use the same rhyming words. 从功能对等角度试析押韵在英汉广告互译中的不可译性(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_12702.html