关键词 “in”的误用 母语迁移 隐喻思文 多义性
Title A Study on The Influence of Language Transfer upon the Use of Preposition "in"
“Ambiguity” is a very common phenomenon in the natural language and the core sense(space) of preposition ‘in’can expand a lot of metaphorical meanings. This article analyzes the process that the core semantics derives the metaphorical semantics and classifies the usages. By retrieving corpus, the using frequency of “in” of Chinese second language learners and native speakers are obtained. From the Language Transfer perspective, it has been found that according to the different grasping situation of foreign metaphorical thinking, the influence of native migration differs. In the second language acquisition process, we should take advantage of positive transfer, reduce the negative migration, foster a foreign language metaphorical thinking.
Keywords misuse of “in” Language Transfer metaphorical thinking Ambiguity
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.1
2 Literature Review .. 2
3 Methodology.4
3.1 Subject4
3.2 Retrieval.4
3.3 Classification4
3.4 Comparison and Analysis4
4 The Usage of “In” ..5
4.1 Ambiguous Semantics...5
4.2 Core Semantics: Space Usage5
4.3 Extended Semantics: Metaphorical Usage7
5 The Impact of Language Transfer.10
5.1 Mother Tongue Metaphor Migration..10
5.2 The Misuse.10
1 Introduction
In the foreign language acquisition, the impact by the learner's mother tongue is a widespread phenomenon which has attracted more and more attention from academia area. This phenomenon is called language transfer (L1 Transfer) phenomenon in psychology. According to language transfer theory, in the second language acquisition process, the habits of the first language (the learner's mother tongue) will have a direct impact on second language acquisition, thus have a positive or negative interference. According to the principles of educational psychology, useful and positive impact by the native language due to its similar composition with foreign language produces positive transfer during the acquisition. It can promote foreign language learners’s learning. on the contrary, negative effects caused by their mother tongue produce the so-called negative transfer which becomes use obstacles to foreign language learners.
During the 1950s, memory research began to investigate interference theory. When the relevant unit or structure of both languages is the same, linguistic interference can result in correct language production called positive transfer. However, language interference is most often discussed as a source of errors known as negative transfer.
Transfer occurs in 2 ways, consciously or unconsciously. When it is in the conscious way, the learners have not learned or have forgotten the proper usage. They try to speculate while producing speech or text in a second language. But for people who may not realize the differences between structures and internal rules of the languages in question or people who are aware of the distinctions yet failing to put them into practice, it is called unconscious transfer. 母语迁移对介词“in”的用法影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_17944.html