Abstract Proceeding from the perspective of new historicism, especially its concepts of “self-fashioning”, “the historicity of texts” and “the textuality of history”, this thesis attempts to interpret James Welch’s The Indian Lawyer by putting it in its historical context, exploring how Welch depicts the identity development of Sylvester, hero in The Indian Lawyer, seeking how he constructs the intertextual relations between history and The Indian Lawyer (as “text”) and analyzing how he embodies the dilemma of American Indian existence and his reflection on the way out of it in his text.26092
This thesis consists of the introduction, the body and the conclusion. The body is pided into three chapters. Chapter One proceeds from the concept of “self-fashioning”, exploring how Sylvester fashions himself as well as others, analyzing what influences different forces have on this process. Chapter Two proceeds from the concept of “the historicity of texts”, probing into the historical context of The Indian Lawyer, examining the discrimination revealed in the text and exhibiting white supremacy as its root cause. Chapter Three proceeds from the concept of “the textuality of history”, analyzing The Indian Lawyer as a textual explanation, discussing the contributions Welch makes to the construction of readers’ knowledge and exploring what inspirations can be drawn from Sylvester’s final withdrawal. Based on the above interpretation, this thesis attempts to confirm the historical value of The Indian Lawyer and its historical role in a specific historical context.
Key Words:James Welch The Indian Lawyer self-fashioning the historicity of texts and the textuality of history dilemma and way out
摘 要本文拟从新历史主义的“自我形塑”、“历史的文本性”和“文本的历史性”等概念出发,将著名印第安作家詹姆斯•韦尔奇的《印第安律师》置于历史语境之中,探索小说中主人公的自我形塑过程,考察小说中“历史与文学的互文关系”,剖析文本所反映的白人至上的社会背景和印第安生存困境,并探讨作者对印第安人如何摆脱困境的思考。
毕业论文关键词:詹姆斯•韦尔奇 《印第安律师》 自我形塑 文本的历史性和历史的文本性 生存困境和出路
摘 要.....ⅲ
Introduction... 1
Chapter One Where to Go and Where to Belong: The Self-Fashioning of Sylvester Yellow Calf ... 9
Chapter Two The Historicity of Texts: Existential Dilemma under White Supremacy.....18
Chapter Three The Textuality of History: Pursuit of the Way Out of Existential Dilemma....28
Conclusion.....36 詹姆斯韦尔奇的《印第安律师》新历史主义解读:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_20154.html