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时间:2018-11-28 11:17来源:英语论文
A Study on Lexical Cohesion Devices Differences in English Argumentative Writings by English and Non-English Majors英语论文英语与非英语专业学生英语议论文写作词汇衔接手段差异研究

关键词  词汇衔接  词汇衔接手段 英语议论文写作
Title    A Study on Lexical Cohesion Devices Differences in English Argumentative Writings by English and Non-English Majors
In English argumentative writing, the lexical cohesion has great significance. The words used by both English and non-English majors have some cohesive function, but the usage of lexical cohesion devices differs. By sample survey and quantitative method,this paper aims at researching the lexical cohesion differences in English argumentative writing by English and non-English majors. 30 samples, including 15 writings by English and non-English majors respectively, are taken from 125 essays of the qualifying contest of Nanjing University of Science & Technology, 2014 “FLTRP Cup” National English Writing Competition. It tries to find out the differences of lexical cohesion devices in English argumentative writings by English and non-English majors, and it is expected to provide some suggestions to the teaching of college English writing.
Keywords  lexical cohesion  lexical cohesion devices  English argumentative writing
 Table of Contents
1  Introduction    1
2    Literature Review    2
2.1    Halliday & Hasan's Lexical Cohesion    2
2.2        Hoey's Lexical Cohesion    3
2.3        Lexical Cohesion by Hu Zhuanglin and Zhu Yongsheng    4
2.4   Empirical Studies on Lexical cohesion devices    4
3    Research Methodology    7
3.1    Subjects    7
3.2        Research Measurements    7
3.3        Data Collection    8
4    Results and Discussion    ..10
4.1    Contrastive Analysis on Usage Rate    ..10
4.2   Contrastive Analysis on False Rate    ..11
Conclusion    14
Acknowledgments    15
References    16
Appendix A Sample One    18
Appendix B Sample Two    19
1 Introduction
As a fundamental ability of English, English writing is very important in English teaching. While there are still some problems in English writing, including the monotonous vocabulary, grammatical errors, Chinese English, dull expressions, lack of cohesion, common sense mistakes. English writing teaching should focus on these problems and try to find out some efficient solutions.   
With the development of linguistics, lexical cohesion studies have been more and more important. In English especially in English writing, lexical cohesion has been a significant part which needs to be studied further. Halliday & Hasan’s Text Cohesion Theory and Hoey’s Patterns of Lexis in Text are the theoretical framework of the study of the thesis, which is employed by many scholars and specialists. The paper adopts statistical method used in applied linguistic and takes 30 essays as samples from the tryout of Nanjing University of Science & Technology in 2014 “FLTRP Cup” national English writing competition. Under difference analysis and correlation analysis to lexical cohesion devices used in English argumentative writings by English and non-English majors, the connection between the writing level and lexical cohesion is illustrated, which contributes to vocabulary teaching and college English writing teaching. 英语与非英语专业学生英语议论文写作词汇衔接手段差异研究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_26573.html