Chapter Five Conclusion 19
5.1 Main findings 19
5.2 Limitation of the study 20
References 21
Appendix 22
A Study of Factors Affecting College Students' Choice of Restaurant –Taking Students in as an Example
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the survey
According to Ministry of Education statistics, in 2014, the number of college students in China has reached 24.68 million. Many college students eat off campus. According to "2005 Chinese students’ consumption and lifestyle research report " jointly issued by the Chinese youth market organizations and Campus Culture Ltd., the average monthly expenditure of college students (fees excluded) is approximately 447.3 yuan in 2005, of which food consumption has reached 212 yuan, accounting for 47.4% of the total expanse. The total annual consumption of the year is more than 10,000 yuan. At present, consumer behavior of college students has become a hot topic.
1.2 Significance of the survey
Nowadays, college students’ consumption in the restaurant has become an important part of the restaurant’ business. This paper aims to study the factors that influence college students’ choice of restaurant and to find out which factors are important to ensure a happy and satisfying restaurant experience. The author will also put forward specific recommendations on restaurant marketing strategies to help them understand better for the needs of college students.
The investigation of this paper can also provide a valuable reference in the catering industry. There are many scholars studied restaurant management. However, there are few studies on college students’ consumption in the restaurant. It would be interesting to analyze which factors decide them to choose the restaurant. By analyzing the factors that influence college students’ choice of the restaurant, we can learn about their consumer behavior. What’s more, this study may be important to restaurant management. And it may be useful for those who want to open a restaurant and those who have been in business already. It has a great guide for the restaurants especially those located on or around campus.
1.3 Thesis framework
This thesis includes five chapters. Chapter one has a brief description the research background and significance of this paper. Chapter two introduces theories on consumer behavior in the restaurant and research on consumer behavior, college students' consumer behavior and college students’ consumer behavior in the restaurant. Chapter three focus on questionnaire design and data collection. Chapter four uses the data of the questionnaire to analyze the factors of price, dinning environment, dish style, service and evaluation. Chapter five mainly summarizes the discussion that affects college students’ choice of restaurant.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Theory of consumer behavior
2.1.1 Consumer behavior
In the late 1960s, the academic study on consumer behavior research started. There has been a long debate on consumer behavior in Western academic circles since 1980 and so far there is no single, universally accepted definition.
Consumer behavior involves many subjects, such as psychology, economics and sociology. Researchers therefore put forward various understanding on consumer behavior from their own point of view.
Glock and Nicos (1963) think consumer behavior is a selection and buying behavior in a certain time. Walters and Paul (1970) point out that consumer behavior is a decision which related to purchase, usage, products and service. Willams (1982) says all activities, suggestions and effects referring to purchase are called consumer behavior.
The American Marketing Association comprehensively reflects the rich connotation of consumer behavior. According to this organization, consumer behavior is ‘perception, cognition, behavior of dynamic, interactive process and environmental factors’. It is the fulfillment of human life in the transactions. This definition includes at least two layers of meaning. (1) Consumer behavior is the result of the dynamic interaction between trading and market. Trading is a major part of consumer behavior and it’s also a necessary and important part of the market. (2) It essentially includes consumer psychology, behavior and the external environment. 大学生选择餐厅的影响因素研究(2):