摘 要商务英语是英语的重要功能变体之一,它的出现是当今知识经济和社会发展的必然结果。本论文主要探究影响商务英语词语演化的相关社会因素。作为专门用途英语的一个分支,商务英语具有其特殊的属性,而作为商务英语核心要素的商务英语词语,其特点和实际应用性也随着社会的进步彰显出无可比拟的重要性。本论文摒弃了传统的在语言内部规律的框架中探究社会语言的发展模式,根据商务英语的构词方法,专业性和简洁性的特点系统地分析了商务英语词语和商务活动的“共存”“共变”的规律,从教育,商务活动应用和社会文化的角度探讨了商务英语词语演化的社会因素,有助于商务英语学习者和应用者在更加丰富的理论中提高理解商务英语能力,并更好的发挥商务英语在经济社会中的作用。31671
Abstract Business English is one of the important functional varieties of English; its appearance is the inevitable result of knowledge economy era and social development. This thesis mainly aims at some relative factors which have affected the evolution process of business English words. Business English has its own special qualities serving as a branch of English for Specific Purpose. Accordingly, the characteristics and practical application of business English words which are the core part of business English gradually present incomparable importance in reality as the development and progress of society. Instead of adopting traditional ways to explore development model of social language within the inner rules of language, it systematically analyses “coexistence” and “covariant” rulers between business English words and business activities from three aspects, namely the persities of word formation, speciality and simplicity. Besides, education, business application and social culture which are the key factors influencing the evolution process of business English words will be stated elaborately in the thesis bellow. In this way, it can enhance the abilities of business English learners and utilizers to understand business English and display the role of business English in economic society.
Key words: business English; words; evolution
摘 要i
I. Introduction.1
II. A Historical Retrospection of Business English.2
2.1 The Origin of Business English.2
2.2 The History Background of Business English.3
III. The Characteristics of Business English Words5
3.1 Business English and Business English Words5
3.2 Characteristics of Business English Words.6
3.2.1 Diversities of Word Formation6
3.2.2 Speciality8
3.2.3 Simplicity.9
IV. Social Factors on the Evolution Process of Business English Words.10
4.1 Educational Function10
4.2 Business Activities11
4.3 Social Culture12
V. Conclusion14
Analysis on Social Factors in the Evolution of Business English Words
I. Introduction
The relationship between language and society is a relationship of mutual influence. (Jin 57)In the second half of the twentieth century, English has been the global language of business with the help of its users’ political and economic power. Twentieth century is a great changing century in the history. People and the surroundings are changing every day. Due to the reestablishment of frameworks of global economy and industrial structures, new world order needs to redefine many concepts and behaviors. On the one hand, the changing society causes the variation of our language; on the other hand, only the changing language and communicative words can meet the needs of our changing society.
Business English is one of information carrier of human business activities, so it also has to meet the needs of social communication because one kind of language without communicative function is bound to be obsoleted. Our society has seen the changes of business English words which is the most sensitive part of business English. This kind of changeable speed is relative faster, featuring the emergence of corresponding new words as long as the emergence of new things in social activities. In addition to the external social factors, its inherent characters also are the cause of its changing or evolution. 商务英语词语演化的社会因素探析:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_27918.html