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时间:2019-01-19 20:32来源:英语论文
A Study of Politeness Strategies in Internet Relay Chat英语论文网络聊天会话中的礼貌策略研究

摘要现代网络聊天形式呈现日趋多元化的状态,网络社会的和谐发展仍是当前热议的话题。本文以QQ和微信等即时通讯网络会话中的礼貌策略为研究对象,从 Brown和Levinson的面子理论的视角,对比消极礼貌策略,研究其中积极礼貌策略的种类、表现形式、特点及其在网络聊天中的语用功能。本研究旨在加深对礼貌策略的了解,有助于现代网民更好得使用这一策略,促进网络聊天的文明发展。32971
关键词 面子理论;积极礼貌策略;网络会话
Title A Study of Politeness Strategies in Internet Relay Chat
The form of modern network chat is getting more persified and the harmonious development of the network society is still a hot topic today. Based on politeness strategies in online chat activities, the present study intends to explore the types, forms, characteristics and pragmatic functions of positive politeness strategies in the Internet chat compared with negative politeness strategies under the framework of Brown and Levinson's face theory.  This article records and analyses examples of politeness strategies in such simultaneous online chat as QQ and WeChat . This study aims to help the modern Internet users deepen the understanding of politeness strategies and use this strategy properly, thus promoting the decent development of internet relay chat.
Key words face theory; positive politeness strategies; internet relay chat
Table of Contents
1  Introduction    1
2    Literature Review    2
3  Theoretical Framework    4
4   Research Methodology    6
5   Positive Politeness Strategies in Network Communication    8
5.1  Explanation    8
5.2  Avoid Disagreement    9
5.3  Exaggeration    9
5.4  Praise    10
5.5  Joking    11
5.6  Make A Promise    11
5.7  Declare Small Group Identity    12
5.8  Suppose to Understand the Listener    12
5.9  Pay Attention to Listener’s Requirements    12
5.10  Seek Agreement     13
5.11  Presuppose Common Ground     13
5.12  Express Positive Desire     13
5.13  Cover Both Sides     14
Conclusion     15
Acknowledgment    16
References    17
1 Introduction
    Since the end of 1980s, various forms of online chat tools have sprung up and today they are going to be in a higher position than phone calls and messages in some ways. Unlike online chat rooms, instant messengers today is usually used to keeping in touch with people who know each other but not with totally strangers. In China almost 70 percent of the population use either Wechat or QQ or both of them, ranging from children to the aged. So the harmonious network environment appears to be quite important to people’s daily life.
    Network has built a virtual society for people which is different from the real society, it is free, open, virtual and non-humanized, and therefore it has also led to changes of universal politeness principle in the network language communication. It is necessary to do some new research since the instant messenger is getting improved so fast.  
2 Literature Review
    Modern technology has been escalating fast and network language is changed accordingly due to the difference of user groups, communication tools, communication medium and so forth. Current online chat is mostly instant conversation and the subject of this article is this kind of synchronous, bidirectional, instant messaging. Baron(2004)called IM “one-on-one synchronous way of network communication”; Schiano et al. (2002) defined it as “a direct, instant and informal online contact ” ;  Ferrara, Bmnner and Whittemore (1991) believed that it is “an interactive written conversation”; Tao Yuexin (2013) defined it as “a type of one-on-one instant communication system based on text” according to previous conclusions. 网络聊天会话中的礼貌策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_29789.html