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时间:2019-09-12 19:59来源:英语论文
Analysis of Classroom English in Primary School Teaching,英语论文小学英语教学中的课堂用语

Abstract  Communication in the classroom is a bridge for teachers to clarify ideas, and to achieve practical teaching and learning goals. It is inseparable from language communication activities. Human language is a tool of communication and thinking, which can help people exchange information and ideas, contact each other, and build a bridge of friendship. Classroom language is an important classroom information input, and it is also an important means of teaching English. Classroom English of teachers in primary schools is one of the most important mediums of language input for English learners.
    This paper discusses and analyses the classification of classroom English, the problems existing in the classroom English, the principles and methods of classroom English in primary schools. It discusses the methods that improve the teaching equality and leaning efficiency by using proper classroom English under the new curriculum standard. 
Key words: classroom English; using principles; primary school English teaching
 Analysis of Classroom English in Primary School Teaching
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. The Comprehensive Discussion of Classroom English    2
 2.1 The Meaning of Classroom English    2
 2.2 The Classification of Classroom English    3
 2.3 The Functions of Classroom English    6
III. Present Situation and Problems of CE in Primary School Teaching    7
 3.1 Non-standard and Too Many Mistakes    7
 3.2 Non-standard and Large Arbitrariness    9
 3.3 Monotonous and Not Lively    9
 3.4 Not Popular and Hard to Understand    10
IV. The Suggestions of Solving These Problems    11
 4.1 The Using Principles of Classroom English    11
 4.2 The Design and the Application of Classroom English    13
 4.3 Teachers Themselves    14
V. Conclusion    16
Bibliography    17
Acknowledgments    18
I. Introduction

    With the development of reform and opening to the outside world, English as a second language teaching and learning has become more and more seriously taken in China, but how to effectively teach English through CE is still an open issue. Students’ writing competence is, to great extent, higher than that of spoken proficiency. One major factor is that our teachers are not able to use Classroom English (Stated as CE hereafter) in the primary school classroom teaching properly. There is a large gap between English as second language (ESL) Teaching and real English communication. Our students are still unable to communicate properly in English after having been taught such language for five to ten years. These problems have been taken into consideration in the field of CE teaching and learning. Therefore, CE is very important in primary school English teaching. 小学英语教学中的课堂用语:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_39254.html