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时间:2019-09-19 18:30来源:英语论文
An analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese and English table manners from the pattern of thinking,英语论文从思维差异看中美餐桌礼仪的异同

Abstract Different countries and culture in thought, language and behaviors ACTS have a great difference, these differences will impact the communication and making it in the embarrassing situation,seriously affect the communication itself, and even chaos. Table manners not only represents the two cultures, but also it is one way of thinking essence ,which embodied their respective groups. This paper, on the basis of forefathers' researches, uses the method of analysis analyzing the similarities and differences between Chinese and English from the Pattern of Thinking. A different way of thinking of Chinese and western has important influence on the table manners, such as table atmosphere, the set order, and living . Learning and using the correct etiquette can not only strengthen our own impression, but also promote the interests of the company and avoid conflicts, so in order to understand the differences between Chinese and western ,table manners should be on the basis of the mode of thinking differences to analysis.
Key words:  thought difference; communication; manner; etiquette; difference
An Analysis of the Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English from the Pattern of Thinking
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II.Thought pattern    2
2.1Synthetic thinking pattern and Analytic thinking pattern    3
2.2Concrete thinking pattern and Abstract thinking pattern    4
2.3Circular thinking pattern and Linear thinking pattern    4
2.4 Subjective thingking pattern and Objective thinking pattern    5
III. The differences between China and Western in table set    6
2.1The differences in dinner set    6
2.2The differences in dining atmosphere    7
2.3The differences in living    8
IVThe influence of different thinking way of table manners    8
V. Various rules and suggestions    9
5.1 Eating No-no’s    9
5.2 Suggestions    10
Conclusion    11
Bibliography    12
Acknowlegements    13
I Introduction  
With the further development of the reform and opening to the outside world, more and more people and matters in western societies have come in to our visual field . This is no doubt that it benefits for helping us to understand the western society. But, this is not that so easy . Because the things we are faced are coming from strange countries and cultures , and the people we communicate with are various from us in thinking pattern, life custom, and behavior. It is inevitable for the phenomenon of culture conflicts to appear in the course of communicating with others.So, the purpose of this thesis is to learn the differences etiquette by learning the different thought pattern between Chinese and English.
Through researched some papers and magazines and there is a conclusion, they are as follows. There are several aspects about different etiquette between English and Chinese. Firstly , in terms of the table culture ,it is important for Chinese to east, so eating is an serious matter. However, as for the western it is all at their will to eat, there is no requirements but in formal dinner[1]. Besides , the atmosphere is different, happiness is the main purpose at table in Chinese ,on the contrary ,it is not polite to have talk loudly in English [2].Additionally ,in China, host will continue to ask the guest whether they would like to eat more during having a meal ,however it is not polite in English .what is more , it have significant differences in table behaviors between Chinese and English [3]. 从思维差异看中美餐桌礼仪的异同:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_39505.html