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时间:2019-12-18 21:49来源:英语论文
The Studies of Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition,英语论文二语习得中的年龄因素探究



Abstract Recently, more and more people pay much attention to the influence of age factor in second language acquisition. Most of parents and teachers deem that “the younger, the better”for children to learn a foreign language is right, which gets some support from the Critical Period Hypothesis of Lenneberg presented in 1967. Whether there is the best age in second language acquisition, academic circles always have different opinions. The author of this paper thinks that there isn’t the best age in second language acquisition, which is viewed through the questionnaire survey. The test shows that the students who learn English early don’t have more advantages than those who learn English later, and the age factor is not the only element affecting foreign language learning. And the author hopes that it could reduce the pressure of students’ learning foreign language and teachers could adopt appropriate teaching methods according to the laws of children’s growth.

Key words: second language acquisition; age; Critical Period Hypothesis; English    language teaching  

The Studies of Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition


 摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I. Introduction 1

II. Critical Period Hypothesis 2

 2.1 The Definition of CPH 2

 2.2 Critical Period Hypothesis in First Language Acquisition 3

 2.3 Critical Period Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition 4

III. Research Design 6

 3.1 Research Questions 6

 3.2 Subjects 7

 3.3 Data Collection of Questionnaire 7

 3.4 Experimental Summary 9

IV. Results and Discussion 9

 4.1 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire 10

 4.2 Discussions 11

 4.3 Suggestions 13

V. Conclusion 16

Bibliography 18

Appendix 20

Acknowledgements 21

I. Introduction

Since the 1950s, many scholars have carried at the extensive and in-depth studies about the inpidual differences in second language acquisition, which make good achievements. At first, what is the second language acquisition? There are many researchers who have researched on this field for many years give the concept of it. For instance, John Archibald (23) described it “The field of second language acquisition research investigates how people attain proficiency in a language that is not their mother language”. In a word, second language acquisition refers to the process of learning other languages after the native language has been learned.  二语习得中的年龄因素探究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_43628.html
