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时间:2020-04-15 19:56来源:英语论文
10 4.3.1 Examples of Context Strategy 10 4.3.2 Examples of Example Sentences Strategy 11 4.3.3 Examples of Collocation Strategy 11 4.3.4 Examples of Classification Strategy 12 4.3.5 Examples of Descri


4.3.1 Examples of Context Strategy 10

4.3.2 Examples of Example Sentences Strategy 11

4.3.3 Examples of Collocation Strategy 11

4.3.4 Examples of Classification Strategy 12

4.3.5 Examples of Description Strategy 12

5. Conclusion 14

5.1 Conclusion 14

5.2 Limitations 14

References 15

Appendix : Questionnaire 16

 1. Introduction

1.1 Background and Purpose

In the past decade vocabulary studies have become an even more highly active field of research and application (Carter, 2012). The saying “Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” (Wilkins, A.D. 1972:111) show the importance of vocabulary. That means if you don’t have vocabulary, you even can not express yourself. Vocabulary is also important in second-language learning. The reasons are collected as follow: one is that words are complex things in relation to other words and to us humans that use them; the other is the vocabulary helps you achieve things. (Ernesto Macaro, 2008) Since the vocabulary is important, evidently there is a need to learn vocabulary. Learning vocabulary means acquiring long lists of words with their meaning, whether through some direct link or via translation into the first language. (Vivian Cook, 2012) As for the words, to some extent, they are the elements of sentences which help people express ideas and deliver information. In second-language learning, word learning is always connected with word teaching because people are usually taught a second language at school and New English Curriculum Criteria has also attached great importance to learning and teaching words. The role that teaching plays in learning words can not be ignored. The application of teaching strategies in word teaching is universal and it is acknowledged that appropriate teaching strategies contribute a lot to improving the efficiency in word teaching. The researches that the previous scholars have done on teaching strategy and word learning are numerous. Based on those researches, I am interested in how to teach English synonyms in high school, and my research will mainly focus on three parts: the first part is the background and significance to teach vocabulary in high school; the second one is an analysis on the learning background of high school students; the final one is teaching strategies of English synonyms and some advice on teaching English synonyms.

1.2 Research Questions

The study is conducted to find proper answers to the research questions:

    ·What factors may influence the students’ acquisition of English synonyms?

    ·What and how teaching strategy or strategies can be applied to improve the synonyms teaching?

 2. Literature Review

2.1 What is teaching strategy?

2.1.1 Definition and Significance of Teaching Strategy

Strategy has three meanings according to Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (Seventh edition). They are: a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose; the process of planning sth or putting a plan into operation in a skillful way; the skill of planning the movements of armies in a battle or war. Teaching strategy usually refers to the plan applied in the process of teaching so as to help achieve the teaching objectives. Teaching strategy has the same function in second-language teaching and appropriate and effective use of teaching strategies can motivate students to learn a second language better.  理论分析高中英语近义词教学策略(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_49905.html
