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时间:2020-04-19 15:53来源:英语论文
Moreover, Zhai Xu made a contrast between Wang Xifeng and Scarlett, in Dream of Red Mansions and Scarlett in Gone with the Wind (2007) to show that both of them are energetic, competent and strong-min

Moreover, Zhai Xu made a contrast between Wang Xifeng and Scarlett, in “Dream of Red Mansions” and Scarlett in “Gone with the Wind” (2007) to show that both of them are energetic, competent and strong-minded, meanwhile, they dare to use every method to reach their goal. Some scholars like Jing Xingmei points out in A Feminist Reading of “Gone with the Wind” (2005) that Scarlett is a production of war and industrialization. With that, Scarlett transforms from “true woman” to “new woman”. And her tragic ending is the reflection of her loss between traditional values of morality and miserable reality. “Gone with the Wind” and the Awakening of Women— An Analysis of Female Values (Gu& Wang, 2003) analyzes female values at length. All these works shows a kind of new character of women to reflect feminist thoughts. 
