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时间:2020-08-11 20:01来源:英语论文
A Brief Discussion on Pragmatic Presupposition in Verbal Communication and Its Communicative Values,英语论文浅谈言语交际中的语用预设及其交际价值

Abstract The German philosopher and mathematician Frege is the first man to probe into the presupposition. Since 1960s, it became a hot topic in the field of pragmatics. Presupposition can be classified into semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition. Semantic presupposition adheres to the surface structure and focuses on truth-value condition while the study of pragmatic presupposition is carried out with closely relation to human communication process. In verbal communication, presupposition serves as the adhesive by which the two sides can be understood and their communication can go on smoothly. Thus, the study of the characteristics and the functions of presupposition in verbal communication is a very important subject. This thesis attempts to study pragmatic presupposition in verbal communication, thus further improving people’s skills of using language and helping people produce proper and efficient utterances. Utilizing and analyzing presupposition can have some communicative values---to realize communicative goal, achieve hidden intention, ensure successful cross-cultural communication, create humorous result and produce ironical effect.53820

Keywords: pragmatic presupposition; functions; communicative values




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Presupposition studies in the West 2

2.2 Presupposition studies in China 2

3. Presupposition and Pragmatic Presupposition 3

3.1 Classification of presupposition 3

3.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition 5

4. Pragmatic Presupposition in Verbal Communication and Its Communicative Values 7

4.1 Pragmatic presupposition in verbal communication 8

4.2 Functions of pragmatic presupposition 8

4.3 Communicative values of pragmatic presupposition 11

5. Conclusion 15

Works Cited 16

1. Introduction

Pragmatic presupposition has close relation to utterance context, the situation of the addresser and the addressee. Viewing from this pragmatic perspective, this thesis makes an analysis on the pragmatic presupposition in verbal communication, mainly comprised of its characteristics, functions and communicative values. The analysis of the pragmatic presupposition in verbal communication can help the addresser produce proper and efficient utterances and provide the addressee with a better understanding of the meanings of utterances, and the analysis of its functions will promote the smoothness of the communication. In addition, the communicative values of pragmatic presupposition can be beneficial for people to form special communicative strategies so that they can easily achieve their intended purposes. 浅谈言语交际中的语用预设及其交际价值:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_57982.html
