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时间:2017-05-04 21:39来源:英语论文
The Power of Maternal Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的母爱力量

摘 要作为对美国国会通过《逃亡奴隶法》的有力回应,斯托夫人写于1851年的小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,历来被认为是废奴文学的经典之作。虽然它是一部反蓄奴制小说,但是它与一般只讲述黑奴的苦难与挣扎的故事有很大的不同。斯托夫人在书中不仅批判了蓄奴制,而且也淋漓尽致地刻画了母性的温柔、爱心、同情心和忠诚。作者通过强调女性的道德力量,通过对母爱的理想化描述,试图唤醒美国女性的同情之心,号召美国女性反对奴隶制拯救社会。因此本论文将阐述斯托夫人在小说中如何赋予女性反对奴隶制、拯救世人、改变社会的力量,旨在揭示斯托理想的家庭和理想母性的观念。关键词: 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》; 斯托夫人; 母爱; 拯救8146
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. The Influence of the Feminism on Stowe    1
2.1 Feminism under the Social Background    2
2.2 Stowe’s Experience of Motherhood    3
III. The Power of Maternal Love    4
3.1 Men’s Failure to Redeem the World    4
3.2 Women’s Moral Superiority over Men    5
IV. Redemption through Women    8
4.1 Courage and Resolution of Women in the Novel    8
4.2 The Maternal Paradise    10
V. Conclusion    11
Bibliography    13
Acknowledgements    14
Written in 1851 in response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is considered as the most influential anti-slavery novel in that period. Although Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an anti-slavery novel, it is very different from ordinary slave stories that focus on the life and struggle of black slaves. Mrs. Stowe not noly criticizes slavery but also portrays mothers as tender, loving, sympathetic and devoted in her book. By emphasizing the courage and moral power of women, by idealizing motherly love, the author is seeking the sympathy of American women to take actions against the slave system. Thus, this essay explores the ways that Stowe dramatizes women’s roles and power in the fight against the chattle slave system to redeem the fallen world in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, aiming at revealing Stowe’s idealized images of the family and mothers.
Key words: Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Stowe; Maternal love; redemptionThe Power of Maternal Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin
I. Introduction
    Written in 1851 in response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is considered as the most influential anti-slavery novel in that period. It focud on the life and struggle of poor black slaves, made a violent attack upon the evils of slavery, accused the North of its implication in this national curse and strongly appealed to the sympathy of the reading public to urge them that slavery must be stopped. It is true that the stories of Uncle Tom, Eliza and George Harris are the major plots of the novel, but they are not sufficient to account for the novel’s special strength, without which Uncle Tom’s Cabin would have gone unnoticed like other anti-slavery stories. What’s more, it frames the mundane struggle for Christian salvation. In contrast to the slave narratives, which focuses on the efforts of black people to achieve freedom, Stowe’s novel explores the moral dilemma of white Americans who must decide how to act in the face of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law. Therefore, the story introduces us another group of characters—women, particularly white women. Stowe, a woman writer, paid close attention to the severe effort of the slave system on women. So this paper aims to explore the power of maternal love. 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的母爱力量:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_6375.html