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时间:2021-04-24 11:56来源:英语论文
Stumble and Fall Being Confronted with the Unknown On Theme of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,英语论文《爱丽丝漫游仙境》主题思想渺小的人在未知来临时的仓惶

Abstract Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most famous children’s literature by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, whose pseudonym is Lewis Carroll. The story shows a magical trip of the protagonist, Alice, a seven-year-old little girl to a fantasy world which is created by Alice’s imagination. Following the development of plot, readers gradually sharpen insight into the Wonderland. It seems to be a place that is totally different from the reality. Given that the particularity of the character and the setting, it is obvious that the Wonderland is not just a dream world. However, Lewis Carroll has a satiric tone to criticize the injustice and ugliness of the adult world. In the unknown world, people like Alice will undoubtedly feel fear and stumble. They are bewildered but never easily abandon themselves. Purity and simplicity is appreciated from this novel. From people bright eyes and sufficient courage, the freedom and hope would be delivered continuously. It is of practical significance to get a better understanding of people’s stumble and fall to the unknown reflected in the novel, and integrate it into the reality.66256

This paper mainly studies a core theme of the novel, that is, stumble and fall being confronted with the unknown. The paper is mainly pided into five parts. The first part serves as an introduction. The second part analyzes the absurdity of the unknown world. The third part introduces the emotional changes of Alice when faced with the unknown, from fear, to loss and finally doubts the unknown. The fourth part puts Alice’s growth into consideration and believes that the courage helps her to defeat everything in the unknown world. The fifth part functions as a conclusion.

Key Words: stumble, unknown, courage

摘要《爱丽丝梦游仙境》作为儿童文学著作,是作家路易斯·卡罗尔的代表作。故事描述了一个 名叫爱丽丝的七岁小女孩的梦境。随着小说故事情节的发展,读者深入了解梦境。它似乎与 真实世界完全相反。考虑到主角和环境的独特性,读者可以得知,爱丽丝进入的不仅仅是梦 境。卡罗尔用嘲讽的语气呈现并批判了一个不公正、丑陋的成人世界。在未知的世界,所有 人会想爱丽丝一样感到害怕和仓皇。他们软弱却从不轻易放弃自己。小说赞扬了他们的纯洁 和天真。从他们明亮的眼睛看到了自由和希望,并且将永不停歇。我们应该更好地理解人们 在未知面前的仓皇,并且在现实生活中努力克服,这具有重要的现实意义。

本文主要研究了小说的一个核心主题,即渺小的人在未知来临时的仓惶。本篇论文共分为五 个部分。第一部分是介绍。第二部分分析了小说中未知世界的荒诞。第三部分阐述了主人公 爱丽丝在未知面前的情感变化,从开始的害怕,到迷失自我,最后在适应的过程中质疑这个 未知世界。第四部分研究爱丽丝的成长以及勇气对战胜未知的决定性因素。第五部分是结尾。



Acknowledgments i

Abstract ii

摘要 iii

1 Introduction 1

2 The Absurdity of the Unknown 4

2.1 Physical Changes 4

2.2 Bizarre Animals and Men 5

2.3 Disordered Authority 7

3 Being Lost Facing the Unknown 《爱丽丝漫游仙境》主题思想渺小的人在未知来临时的仓惶:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_74105.html
