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时间:2020-08-19 15:59来源:英语论文
An Interpretation of the linguistic charm of Walden and Thoreau’s Thoughts :From the Perspective of Rhetoric,英语论文从修辞的角度解读《瓦尔登湖》的语言魅力及梭罗的思想

Abstract  Henry David Thoreau, an important writer in American literature in the 19th century, was also a representative of nature writing. He advocated that people should disentangle themselves from the complicated life and return to nature.

     Thoreau put all his love for nature and his thinking about life into his masterpiece Walden. Its unique linguistic style attracts many readers. Walden is abundant with rhetorical devices including analogy, personification, satire and humor, symbolism etc. The employment of rhetoric makes the work not only more outstanding in its word style, but also more precious in the literary value.

     This paper elaborates on the unique meanings of the rhetorical devices employed in this great prose by means of example interpretation, combined with the creating background of Walden. By doing so, we can have a thorough knowledge of Thoreau’s viewpoints about simple living.54406

Keywords: Walden; Thoreau; rhetorical devices; simple living


毕业论文关键字:瓦尔登湖;梭罗;修辞手法; 简单生活


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 A Brief Review of the Former and Current Study 1

2.2 The Necessity of Interpreting the Rhetorical Devices in Walden 2

3. Examples and Analysis 3

3.1 Analogy 3

3.2 Personification 5

3.3 Satire and Humor 7

3.4 Symbolism 10

4. A Brief Summary of Thoreau’s Thoughts 12

5. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1. Introduction

     Since the Industrial Revolution, environmental pollution has been aggravated alarmingly, and not been fully resolved until today. In contrast to the increasing of material wealth, human’s spiritual world is shrinking drastically. Under such circumstances, many artists and writers started to reflect on the relationship between man and nature. Henry David Thoreau, the greatest American philosopher, poet, and environmental scientist during the Romantic Period, incorporated all his love for nature and his perception of life into his book Walden.

     Although Walden was published 100 years ago, as a college student, rather a common person in China, it is necessary to read this book. During the 100 years, China has made huge progress in technology and much improvement in material well-being, which however, results in the damage to the environment and the loss in a bustling tumultuous world. Reading Walden, the classic work in nature writing, and appreciating Thoreau’s thoughts, will calm down one’s relentless heart, reinforce his environmental awareness and encourage him to pursue a kind of simple and meaningful life.

2. Literature Review

2.1 A Brief Review of the Former and Current Study 从修辞的角度解读《瓦尔登湖》的语言魅力及梭罗的思想:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_58621.html
