On the Training of Creative Thinking in Teaching English Writing: A Case Study in Junior High Schools in China ,英语论文初中英语写作教学中创造性思维培养的案例分析...
The Application of Context in English Vocabulary Teaching in Junior High School,英语论文语境在初中英语词汇教学中的应用...
Analyse der Sprachkrise des Helden im Roman Ein Regenschirm für diesen Tag,德语论文《一把雨伞给这天用》中主人公的语言危机...
An Analysis of Hawthorne’s The Birth-Mark From Feminist Perspective,英语论文从女性主义分析霍桑作品《胎记》...
A Spiritual Collapse in the Jazz Age—The Interpretation of The Great Gatsby from the Perspective of Spiritual Ecology,英语论文《伟大的盖茨比》精神生态探析与解读...
Collision and Compatibility between Chinese and American Family Education: A Study of The Joy Luck Club,英语论文中美家庭教育中的异同《喜福会》的研究...
Semantic decisions in Chinese menu translating - A decision-making perspective决策论看中文菜单的语义英译...
The Symbolic Meanings of “A” as Reflected in the Main Characters in The Scarlet Letter,英语论文《红字》中主要人物所表现出的“A”的象征含义...
The Cultivation of the Intercultural Communication Competence in Junior English Class,英语论文中学英语课堂中学生跨文化交际意识的培养...
On Effectiveness of Phonics in Vocabulary Building for Primary School English Classroom,英语论文小学英语课堂自然拼读法对词汇学习影响的调查研究...