A Study on Context in Translation A Case Study of Pygmalion,英语论文翻译中的语境因素以《卖花女》为例...
On the Phonetic Metaphor and Its Application Principles,英语论文语音隐喻及其运用原则研究...
The Motives of Emily’s murder in A Rose for Emily,英语论文《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的杀人动机...
The Application of Schema Theory to English Listening Teaching in Junior Middle School,英语论文图式理论在初中英语听力教学中的应用...
Building Vocabulary in/for Reading,英语论文阅读课中词汇教学浅析...
Research on Chinglish in the Writing of Grade 7,英语论文七年级学生写作中中式英语现象研究...
The Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Tourism Translation in Scenic Spots in Ningbo,英语论文宁波旅游景区翻译中的母语负迁移现象...
A Silent Battle--- The Communicative Barrier in Doris Lessing’s “A Woman on a Roof”,英语论文多丽斯·莱辛《屋顶丽人》中男性与女性沟通障碍原因...
On Translation of Chinese Cuisine Name from the Perspective of Gestalt Theory,英文论文格式塔理论视角下的中文菜名翻译...