殊途同归的心路历程—《西游记》与《天路历程》之比较Different Routes, Same Destiny: A Comparative Study of Journey to the West and The Pilgrim’s Progress...
Das duale Ausbildungssystem in Deutschland德语论文德国双元制职业教育...
Title A Study of the Social Functions of American Slang with Its Linguistic Features结合美国俚语的语言特征探析其社会功能...
An Analysis of Gone with the Wind’s Reception in China 小说《飘》在中国的接受现状调查...
The principle of "reader-friendliness" in textbook compiling: a cross-cultural comparison of figures and diagrams in two economics textbooks从中英经济教材的图例对比论教材编撰中的“读者至上”原则 ...
A Tentative Analysis of Vampire Culture Through the Discussion of Dracula从小说《德克拉》试论吸血鬼文化英语论文 ...
Das Austauschstudium chinesischer Studenten in Deutschland浅析中国留学生留德学习之路...
Growing up between Loss of Innocence of Ubiquitous and Menace of Death –A Post-Modernism Interpretation of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland 成长于丧失童真与无处不在的死亡威胁《爱丽丝漫游仙境》之后、现代主义解...
A comparative study between William Wordsworth and Ruanji 华兹华斯与阮籍诗作思想对比研究...
Die Herkunft und Bedeutung der deutschen Familiennamen德语论文德国姓氏的来源和涵义...