A Study on the English Translation of Guiyang Tourism Texts in Light of Skopostheorie,英语论文目的论视角下贵阳旅游文本英译的研究...
The Influence of Native Language Transfer on English Phonetics—Based on the Investigation and Analysis of Wu Chinese (Jiangsu Qidong),英语论文吴方言母语迁移对英语语音习得的影响...
Two Bites of China: A Comparison between A Bite of China and Exploring China A Culinary Adventure,英语论文论《舌尖上的中国》与BBC《发现中国》的比较...
An Analysis of The Old Man and the Sea from the Perspective of Eco-criticism,英语论文从生态批评角度简析《老人与海》...
An Analysis of the Causes of the Ambiguity in English Negative Structure,英语论文浅析造成英语否定结构歧义的原因...
A Postcolonial Study of Jack London’s Novels,英语论文杰克·伦敦动物小说的后殖民主义解读...
A Study of Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese Idioms,英语论文从英汉习语中的动物形象浅析中英文化异同...
On Subtitle Translation of the Documentary Wild China from the Perspective of Relevance Theory,英语论文从关联理论视角看记录片《美丽中国》字幕翻译...
A Study On the Translation of Onomatopoetic Words in Children’s Literature from the Perspective of Skopostheorie,英语论文目的论视角下儿童文学拟声词翻译研究...
A Case Study of Senior High School Students’ Pragmatic Failure in English,英语论文高中生英语语用失误的个案研究...