English Reading Comprehension Process under the Guidance of Relevance Theory,英语论文关联理论指导下的英语阅读理解过程研究...
A Pragmastylistic Analysis of Emma Watson’s Speech in UN,英语论文以艾玛·沃特森联合国演讲为例的语用文体分析...
The Influence of Idiom Types and L2 Proficiency on Idiom Comprehension Among College Students英语论文习语类型与二语水平对大学生理解二语习语的影响...
The Use of Free Indirect Speech in Jane Austen's Emma,英语论文论自由间接引语在《爱玛》中的运用...
On the Translation of Movie Subtitle from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory英语论文从功能对等理论谈电影字幕的翻译...
A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice about Psychology Description From the Perspective of Feminist Translation Theory,英语论文女性主义翻译理论视角下之《傲慢与偏见》心理描写的比较研...
On Foreignization and Domestication in Translation-Taking Fu's translation Gone with the Wind as an example ,英语论文傅东华《飘》翻译中的归化与异化...
Cause Analysis of Emma’s Tragedy in Madame Bovary,英语论文浅析《包法利夫人》中爱玛的悲剧原因...
On the Translation of Food Product Specification from the Perspective of the Skopostheory,英语论文从目的论角度探讨食品说明翻译...
A Study on the Cultivation of Pupils'Motivation in English Learning,英语论文探究小学生英语学习动机的培养...