A Study on Translation of Wolf totem from the Perspective of Eco-translatology,英语论文从生态翻译学视角看《狼图腾》英译本...
The Cultivation of Cross-cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching,英语论文浅谈外语教学中跨文化意识的培养...
The Application of the Memorization of Root and Affix in college English vocabulary teaching,英语论文词根词缀记忆策略在大学英语词汇教学中的应用...
Edgar Allan Poe’s inheritance and development of Gothic novel in The Black Cat,英语论文埃德加·爱伦·坡在《黑猫》中对哥特小说的继承和发展...
Symbolism in Eugene O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon,英语论文尤金·奥尼尔《天边外》中的象征主义...
Das menschliche Gute und Böse in der deutschen historischen Serie „Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter“,德语论文历史剧《我们的父辈》中人性的善与恶...
An Analysis of Female Spiritual World in The Golden Notebook,英语论文对《金色笔记》女性灵魂世界的探索...
A Contrastive Study on Discrepancies between Chinese and Western Cultures in View of Traditional Marriage Customs,英语论文从传统婚礼习俗看中西方文化差异...
Passage for a Woman to Be Independent-- On Theme of A Room with a View,英语论文《看得见风景的房间》的主题思想 女性的独立成长之路...
An Exploration of the Western Evil Human Nature thought in The Most Dangerous Game,英语论文《最危险的游戏》中的西方性恶论思想...