A Tentative Study on the Lexical Characteristics of China English: A Case Study of Reports on the Work of the Government,英语论文中国英语词汇特征以《政府工作报告》英文版为例...
A Study on Lead-in of New Lessons in Primary School English Teaching,英语论文小学英语教学中的新课导入...
Interpretation of Gatsby’s Love Tragedy in The Great Gatsby,英语论文浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的爱情悲剧...
On Translation of Swear Words in Mo Yan’s The Republic of Wine in Light of Functionalist Approaches,英语论文从功能主义理论看《酒国》中脏话的翻译...
On Differences of Two Marriages: by Comparing Xue Baochai and Charlotte英语论文试分析两种婚姻的差异以薛宝钗和夏洛特为例...
Study on the Perseverance of Americanism in Forrest Gump,英语论文浅析《阿甘正传》中执着的美国精神...
On the Sexism in English and Chinese from the Cultural Perspective,英语论文从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视...
On the Reasons of Disillusion of Willy Loman’s Dreams in Death of a Salesman,英语论文论《推销员之死》中威利罗曼梦的幻灭原因...
Analysis on the Tragedy of Clyde in An American Tragedy,英语论文《美国的悲剧》中主人公克莱德悲剧性解析...
Special Features of Characters’Growth in the Novel Cement Garden,英语论文麦克尤恩《水泥花园》中人物成长的非典型性...