The Comparative Analysis of the Festival Culture Between East and West—Taking the Double Seventh Festival and Valentine’s Day as Examples,英语论文中西节日文化对比分析以七夕节与情人节为例...
Action Research of the Junior High School Teachers in English Class,英语论文试析初中英语教师课堂教学行动研究...
An Analysis on Applying Body Language to English Class in Primary School,英语论文小学英语课堂中肢体语言运用探析...
Discussion the Significance and the Application of Emotional Penetration in English Teaching,英语论文情感渗透在英语教学中的意义及应用...
Comparative Analysis of the Oration Styles of Political Leaders in Different Cultures from the Perspective of Oratory,英语论文从演讲学的角度比较分析不同文化下政治领导人的演讲风格...
Action Research of the Junior High School Teachers in English Class,英语论文初中英语教师课堂教学行动研究...
A Comparative Analysis of the Main Characters in Moby-Dick and Barn Burning,英语论文《白鲸》与《烧马棚》主要人物形象对比分析 ...
On Teacher-Student Communication Strategies in Junior English Teaching,英语论文中学英语教学中师生课堂交流策略...
A Study on the Design of Task-based English Classroom Teaching in Grade 3 of Primary School,英语论文小学三年级英语任务型课堂教学设计探究...
The Comparative Study on Sino-American Children Family Education,英语论文中美儿童家庭教育差异评析...