Group Teaching in the Primary School English Class,英语论文小学英语课堂的小组教学...
On the Difference of Sino-English Face Culture from the Theory of Positive and Negative Face Value,英语论文从正负值面子理论简析中英面子文化差异...
Comparative Analysis of Chinese Ghost Culture and Western Vampire Culture,英语论文中国鬼文化和西方吸血鬼文化的对比分析...
Pun Translation in English advertisements from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory,英语论文从顺应论的角度看英语广告中双关语的翻译...
On the Choices and Application of English Vocabulary Memorizing Methods,英语论文英语词汇记忆方法的选择及应用探究...
Study on Nominalization in EST and Its Translation,英语论文浅析科技英语中名词化现象与翻译...
The Comparison and Analysis of Heroism in Sino-US Movies —A Case Study of Hero and Batman,英语论文中美影视英雄主义比较分析以《英雄》和《蝙蝠侠》为例...
An Analysis of the Factors Influencing English Writing Ability in Middle School,英语论文中学生英语写作能力的影响因素分析...
Applications of Diversified Methods for English Teaching in Primary School under the New Curriculum Standards,英语论文新课标背景下小学英语多样化教学方法的应用...
Analysis of American Dream in the Movie Little Miss Sunshine,英语论文从电影《阳光小美女》中分析美国梦...