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时间:2019-03-23 21:25来源:毕业论文

Synthesis and Application of Novel iodide α-difluoroacetophenone fluorinated ketones Block
Abstract:     Lactone compound exists widely in natural products and has a physiological active substances, not only as an important synthetic blocks of natural products, also used to synthesize some fine chemical products and pharmaceutical intermediates. Introducing fluorine atom or containing fluorine groups to lactone compounds, can make its physiological activity change, therefore, fluoride lactone compounds, the synthesis and application of has attracted a great deal of interest. In this paper, the design of new route to synthesis of iodo alpha difluorobenzene acetophenones fluorinated building block, the acid reaction with different, Synthesize the compound 5-(2,2-difluoro-3-oxo-3-phenylpropyl)-3,3-dimethy ldihy- drofuran-2(3H)-one and 5-(2,2-difluoro-3-oxo-3-phenylpropyl)dihydrofuran-2(3H)-one。Optimization of reaction conditions, selected the most suitable initiators for azobisisobutyron- itrile (AIBN) and determine its content is 30% reaction has the best effect; secondly, the solvent is selected, and ultimately determine the acetonitrile as the most suitable solvent. Finally, through the test to determine the response of the optimal temperature of 70℃.
Keywords:    Difluoromethylene unit; Lactone; Radical reaction
1    前言    1
1.1    含氟化合物    1
1.2    含二氟亚甲基化合物    3
1.3    引入二氟亚甲基的方法    4
1.3.1    直接氟化法    4
1.3.2    含氟砌块法    6
1.3.3    自由基氟代反应    6
2    文献综述    10
2.1    内酯    10
2.2    含氟内酯的研究    10
2.3    本课题的目的与意义    12
2.4    本课题的内容    12
3    实验记录    13
3.1    主要试剂与仪器    13
3.1.1    主要试剂    13
3.1.2    主要仪器    15
3.2    实验操作    15
3.2.1    含三氟甲基的烯醇式化合物的合成    15
3.2.2    二氟取代的三氟甲基偕二醇砌块的制备    16
3.2.3    碘代的二氟砌块的合成    17
3.2.4    目标内酯化合物的合成    17
4    实验讨论    20
4.1    碘代的二氟砌块与烯酸的自由基反应的条件摸索    20 新颖的碘代α-二氟苯乙酮类含氟砌块的合成及应用:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_31232.html