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时间:2019-05-05 20:53来源:毕业论文

The impact of medical social worker intervention in diabetes patients treatment in”3-2-1”diabetes management project in J District ,shanghai
As the change of lifestyle ,more sit less dynamic way of working and the change of dietary structure ,the diabetes and its complications is big surge in recent years ,became the third chronic disease that threat to human health after the tumor, cardiovascular .this research by interview ,tracking and management to 5 diabetic patient in J district ,comprehensive related documents and medical record data to analyze the impact of the medical social worker intervention in diabetic patient treatment .this research based on the patient , his family and hospital ,using to improve the patients’ self-help ability ,the expansion of family function and carry out the socialized service as the main observation point and pointcut ,by medical social worker’s support function to help patient solve the problem of personal emotion ,family conflict and family economic for the disease ,to explore the reasonable way to communicate between the patient and the medical system .with the medical social worker’s intervention, has continued the effect of diabetic patients hospitalized, reduce the probability of diabetes complications, guide the residents to build health scientific way of life.
Keywords:Medical Social Work,Diabetes Patients,Interventional Treatment
目  录
一、绪论    1
(一) 研究缘起    1
(二) 文献综述    1
(三) 研究方案    3
二、 糖尿病患者的治疗过程与医务社工介入    5
(一) “医务社工-患者”模式    5
(二)  “家庭-医务社工-患者”模式    7
(三) “医院-医务社工-患者”模式    8
三、 医务社工介入糖尿病患者治疗的影响分析    10
(一) 患者“自助”能力的提升    10
(二) 家庭功能多样化支持的强化    11
(三) 社会支持性服务的拓展    12
四、新医学模式视角下医务社工的挑战与机遇    14
(一) 社会发育不成熟制约医务社工发展    14
(二) 医务行业体制改革催生医务社工的出现    15
(三) 社会需求的多样化凸现医务社工价值    15
五、 结论与讨论    17
(一) 结论    17
(二) 讨论    17
参考文献    19
致谢    21
附录:访谈对象基本资料一览表    21
(一) 研究缘起 医务社工对糖尿病患者治疗的介入性影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_33027.html