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时间:2017-04-13 11:01来源:毕业论文

关键词:  职业病;化工企业;上海;职业病危害;职业病防治与对策
The investigation and countermeasure research of chemical industry occupation disease status in Shanghai
Abstract: With the continuing development of economy, the efficiency of chemical industries has been the core of China's economic growth, however, with the huge development of chemical industries, occupational disease becomes the common problem among workers, enterprises and countries that all to be faced, it has become a major threat to the physical and mental health of workers. With the increasing of workers' rights awareness, the labour disputes are also growing. Thus, attracted much scholars and experts' concerns and discusses, researches and countermeasures of occupation disease has become the new important in current medical, social security and safety production field. After December 31, 2011, the " People's Republic of China occupation disease prevention law " has been revised, the focus the government departments put on labours' physical and mental health were better reflected. In this paper, by reading the occupation disease literatures, regarding a chemical industry in Shanghai as the research object, according to the occupation disease status, harm factors, prevention measures and management defects, in these four aspects to make the analysis and integration.
Keywords:    occupation disease; chemical industry; Shanghai; occupation disease hazard ;occupation disease prevention
摘要    iv
目录    v
1    引言    1
2    职业病调查企业现状    2
2.1    调研企业简介    2
2.2    调研企业的职业病管理    2
2.2.1    企业存在的职业病有害因素    2
2.2.2    企业可能存在的法定职业病类型    3
2.2.3    企业对职业病预防设施的设置    3
2.2.4    企业对职业病预防的管理制度    10
2.2.5    企业的紧急救援的设置    11
2.2.6    企业的职业病防治教育及宣传    11
3    调研企业的职业病监测    12
3.1    2012年9月工作场所有害因素测定的检测报告    12
3.2    2012年11月工作场所有害因素测定的检测报告    14
3.3    检测报告结果分析    16
3.3.1    9月测量结果分析    16
3.3.2    11月测量结果分析    17
3.4    检测点设定的相应防护措施    17
4    调研企业的职工体检情况    21
4.1    体检报告分析    21 上海化工企业职业病现状调查及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_4957.html