关键词 : 住宅小区、智能化、安防系统、第一时间
Abstract:The introduction of intelligent housing, will not only provide convenience to people's daily lives, but also through smart technology to protect the personal interests of the people will not be violated, protect people's home security is an important part of constructing a harmonious society. Intelligent security systems to be able to achieve economic and practical, advanced technology, safe and reliable, simple operation, high quality requirements, to achieve the important residential district main entrance area and perimeter, residential area, offices and other officers to concentrate on the real-time monitoring, combating the destruction and maintain the role of the social order, the first time what might happen or image has occurred even impending, voice data is sent to the monitoring center, so that security personnel can quickly learn the monitoring center system feedback in a timely manner and can handle events deter certain risks in the bud, to prevent property damage, ensure the safety of personnel and property.
Keywords: residential area, intelligence, security systems, the first time
1. 引言 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1
1.3 发展趋势 2
2.实际调研 2
2.1 实地现场调查 2
3. 智能小区的安防系统 7
3.1 安防系统的组成 7
3.2 安防系统设计范围 7
3.3 安防系统设计准则 7
3.3.1 先进性 7
3.3.2 可靠性 8
3.3.3 实用性和便利性 8
3.3.4 可扩充性和经济性 8
3.3.5 规范性和结构化 8
3.3.6 安全性 8
3.3.7 易操作性 8
4. 出入口控制系统 8
4.1 系统介绍 8
4.2 出入口控制系统设计规范 9
4.3 系统功能要求 9
4.3.1 出入授权 9
4.3.2 系统的下列主要操作响应时间应小于2s 9
4.3.3 系统校时与计时精度 10
4.3.4 自检和故障指示 10
4.3.5 报警 10
4.3.6 在发生以下情况下,系统应报警 10
4.3.7 在发生以下情况时,系统可报警 10
4.3.8 应急开启(系统应具有应急开启的方法) 10
4.3.9 指示/显示 10
4.3.10 发光指示/显示 11
4.3.11 软件及信息保存要求 11
4.4 系统功能要求(识读部分) 12
4.5 系统功能要求(管理/控制部分) 12
4.6 系统功能要求(执行部分) 13
4.7 系统功能要求(电源部分) 13 智能小区安防系统设计及文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_12277.html