摘 要:随着科技的不断发展,自动门在人们日常生活中断得到了广泛的应用,同时对其安全性及各方面的性能的要求越来越高。本设计主要使用红外线传感器作为感应器,将接受到的信号转化为电信号传给单片机。步进电机作为门驱动装置。通过单片机控制步进电机,使门自动打开,当人进门后又可以使门自动关闭。通过遥控器还可控制门保持开或关。此外系统还带有故障检测和显示电路,增加其安全性。本设计的优点是硬件电路简单,软件功能完善,控制系统可靠,性价比较高等特点,具有一定的使用价值。4961
The Control System Design of Building Automatic Door Based on Single-chip Microcomputer
Abstract: As technology continues to develop, automatic doors in people's daily life disruption has been widely applied, and its performance in terms of safety and the increasingly high demand. The design of the main infrared sensor as the sensor used, the received signals into electrical signals pass microcontroller. Stepping motor is a driving apparatus of zhe gate. Stepper motor is controlled by single-chip, so that the door opens automatically. When a person entered into the door, the door closed automatically. The remote controller can also make the door open or closed. In addition, the system also has fault detection and display circuit, increasing its security. The advantage of this design is simple hardware circuit, software, perfect function, and the control system is reliable, high cost, etc. It has a certain value.
Key Words: Automatic doors; single-chip; pyroelectric infrared sensors; fault detection.
目 录
摘要 1
引言 1
1.研究意义及设计思路 2
1.1课题研究的意义 2
1.2自动门的发展 2
1.3电机自动控制系统的应用 3
1.4设计的基本思路 3
2.系统硬件设计 4
2.1单片机 4
2.2红外探测技术 5
2.3步进电机 6
2.4 L293D芯片 7
2.5稳压模块 7
2.6设计电路的框图和原理 8
3.系统软件设计 9
3.1系统软件问题 9
3.2系统软件结构 9
3.3程序流程设计 10
4.系统实物调试 16
4.1系统硬件原理图 16
4.2系统硬件调试 16
5.设计总结 19
参考文献 19
附录 21
致谢 26
自动门的性能优劣主要取决于它的控制装置,早期的自动门控制系统采用继电器逻辑控制,造成安装繁琐、体积大、不稳点、不易文修的缺点已逐步被淘汰。目前自动门及自动化行业最稳定的控制装置时单片机,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强,功能完善,实用性强,文护方便,体积小,重量轻,能耗低等优点[2]。因此,进行自动门的单片机控制系统设计,可以推动自动门行业的发展,扩大单片机在自动化行业乃至整个自动化行业的应用,具有一定的经济和理论研究价值。 51单片机的大楼自动门控制系统设计+源程序+电路图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_1787.html