毕业论文关键词: MC9S12XS128MAA;智能;红外避障传感器;超声波;定位
Design of Automatic Locating Car In Warehouse
Abstract:The one of technology development trend is to make anything have intelligence. This kind of intelligence can help people avoid errors which from complexity, on the other hand, as a extend of human ability adapt environment quickly and convenient. The car which can automatic positioning and avoid obstacle base on ultrasonic and infrared this issue focus is make the car have intelligence. It could be one part of a car to help drivers ensure position more accurate and remind the dangers early. Then, it can be used in unmanned control system. Substitute people receive information and deal with it. This can program remote, unmanned. Have high intelligent, high security and high reliability.
The obstacle avoidance is one of the main functions that an independently intelligent carriage should be provided. Use the MC9S12XS128MAA as a key component, collecting the environmental information and controlling the intelligent carriage, a kind of obstacle avoidance system of intelligent carriage is designed. In this system, infrared obstacle avoidance sensors are used to detect the barries,which are front of distance between the intelligent carriage and the barriers. The system's design is simple, and has lower cost and better real time features. And at the same time, this system has obtained anticipated experimental results in the indoor environment.
KeyWords:MC9S12XS128MAA;intelligent; Infrared Sensors; Ultrasonic;locate
目 录
1 前言 2
1.1 智能小车研究意义 2
1.2 智能小车的现状 3
1.2.1 国外移动机器人研究 3
1.2.2 国内移动机器人的状况 4
1.2.3 定位避障小车现状综述 4
2 硬件电路 5
2.1 总体设计 5
2.1.1 小车总体概述 5
2.1.2 小车总体设计框图 6
2.2 MC9S12XS128MAA单片机简介 7
2.2.1 mc9s12x系列单片机简介 7
2.2.2 MC9S12XS128MAA性能概述 7
2.2.3 输入/输出数字I/O口 7
2.2.4 输入/输出端口功能和配置 9
2.2.5 电源相关引脚 10
2.2.6 其他引脚 10
2.3 电机驱动模块 10
2.3.1 隔离IC芯片74HC244 10
2.3.2 电机驱动芯片BTS7960 12
2.4 地磁场模块HMC5883 15
2.4.1 HMC5883简介 15
2.4.2 引脚配置 16
2.4.3 寄存器 18 仓库内自动寻位小车的设计+电路图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_17731.html