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时间:2018-07-08 18:33来源:毕业论文

关键词  PEMFC  LabVIEW  测控系统  模糊控制
Title         Research on the Monitor and Control System  of Fuel Cell Based on LabVIEW                               
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) produces electricity by the reaction of hydrogen ions and oxygen ions. Without any pollution, the product of the reaction is water and heat, which has broad application prospect. As one of the core technology of PEMFC, the control of fuel cell has important impact on the performance, power efficiency and safe operation of PEMFC. Therefore, based on PID and fuzzy control algorithm, this paper conducts a preliminary study on the control method of PEMFC. The main work is as follows:
Firstly, this paper develops the nether system with the microcomputer PIC18F2580, which uses single chip to acquire the stack parameters and to control the actuator. It also designs upper system by G programming language based on LabVIEW.
Secondly, it sets up the agreed communication protocol of the nether and upper system, which enables the data transmission and control between the upper and nether system.
Finally, based on the PID and fuzzy control algorithm, detailed designs of the PID and fuzzy controller are established and are applied to PEMFC control system.
Results of the simulation show that the design of the fuel cell monitor and control system is capable of commanding the cell temperature. In addition, compared with PID controller, fuzzy controller can maintain the operating temperature close to the best working temperature, which achieves the desired effect.
Keywords  PEMFC  LabVIEW  Monitor and Control System  Fuzzy Control
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  本文研究背景及意义    1
1.2  PEMFC测控系统的研究现状    4
1.3  本文章节安排    7
2  PEMFC测控系统    8
2.1  PEMFC测控系统整体设计方案    8
2.2  PEMFC下位机控制系统    10
2.3  上位机系统设计    12
2.4  本章小结    14
3  LabVIEW通信方案的实现    15
3.1  下位机控制系统中通信模块简介    15
3.2  VISA功能模块实现串口通信    16
3.3  本章小结    17
4  PID及模糊控制算法研究    18
4.1  PID控制    18 PIC18F2580单片机基于LabVIEW的燃料电池测控系统研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_19252.html