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时间:2017-01-10 17:27来源:毕业论文
利用TrueTime的核心模块TrueTime Kernel和网络模块TrueTime Network构建了网络化控制系统仿真平台,并通过干扰节点和网络模块的建立模拟网络环境。通过仿真对比了具有单个虚拟领导者的一致

摘要近年来,复杂系统研究受到了国内外众多领域的高度重视。而在复杂系统网络中,一致性问题是非常有现实意义的理论问题。所谓一致性是指多智能体网络的个体按照某种控制规则,相互传递信息,相互影响,随着时间的演化,多智能体系统中的所有个体的状态趋于一致。本论文研究了网络环境下复杂系统一致性的问题。在系统地描述了复杂网络一致性的基础上,介绍了连续时间一致性算法,离散时间一致性算法,一致性的研究热点以及一致性算法的应用。利用TrueTime的核心模块TrueTime Kernel和网络模块TrueTime Network构建了网络化控制系统仿真平台,并通过干扰节点和网络模块的建立模拟网络环境。通过仿真对比了具有单个虚拟领导者的一致性算法在WLAN网络和Zigbee网络情况下异同,并对观测到的结果进行了评论。最后对全文的研究工作进行了总结,并对将来要做的研究工作进行了展望。5206
关键词  复杂网络,一致性算法,虚拟领导者,TrueTime,仿真
Title  Networked consistency algorithm of complex systems:           design and simulation
Recently, complex systems are attracting numerous attentions due to their potential applications in biology, physics and engineering, and so on. While in the networked complex systems, consensus is of primary importance in practice and theoretical significance. The consensus issue refers to the multi-agent network of inpiduals according to some rules, mutual transmission of information, interaction and evolution over time, the consensus in the inpidual's status in the multi-agent system. In this dissertation, we study the consensus problem in the networked complex systems. Firstly, we survey the recent advance consensus algorithm in the complex networks. Then, the researches on continuous-time and discrete- time consensus algorithm and their applications are introduced, respectively. By using the Truetime toolbox based on the Matlab/Simulation platform, we develop a simulation network environment by interfering nodes and the network module. Through simulations, the differences of the single virtual leader consensus algorithm between the case of WLAN networks and Zigbee networks are proposed. Some comments are provided. Finally, we come to our conclusions for all the discussion in the dissertation. And the research work in further study is presented.
Keywords  Complex networks,Consensus algorithms,Virtual leader,Truetime,simulation
 目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  引言    1
1.2  复杂系统研究背景    1
1.3  复杂系统研究方法    2
1.4  复杂系统一致性研究现状    2
1.5  发展前景    3
1.6  总结    4
2   一致性算法概述    4
2.1  引言    4
2.2  Vicsek模型介绍    5
2.3  代数图论    7
2.4  总结    8
3   一致性算法介绍    8
3.1  引言    8
3.2  连续时间一致性算法    9
3.3  离散时间一致性算法    11
3.4  一致性的研究热点    12
3.5  复杂动态系统一致性算法的应用    16
3.6  总结    18
4   一致性算法的仿真结果    18
4.1  引言    18
4.2  基于TrueTime的网络化控制系统仿真平台的构建    19 TrueTime网络环境下复杂系统一致性的仿真:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_2164.html