关键词 主分量 处理分类 MATLAB 数据分析
Title Data Processing and Classification Based on Principal Component Analysis
In modern society, the problems that people have to deal with are multidimensional and complex system, so that the data analysis methods need to be improved and well-developed. Principal component analysis (PCA) method classifies the data by analyzing the features of the data and then getting new principle components by linear transformation, which simplifies the original data while retaining the most information of original data. In this paper, the application and background of principal component analysis is introduced, and the principle and realization steps of this method are also described. Then the PCA algorithm is implemented in matlab, tested and evaluated with real data. Finally, the PCA-based algorithm is used to classify point cloud data collected by 3d laser scanning technology by analyzing its distribution in three dimensions. Experiment shows area-like data can be well classified, which lays a good foundation for object recognition and measurement, and also proves the effectiveness of PCA-based algorithm.
Keywords Principal component Classification MATLAB Data analysis
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 主分量分析主要的研究成果 2
1.3 本文主要的研究内容 3
2 主分量分析法 5
2.1 主分量分析法的基本思想 5
2.2 主分量分析法的数学原理 5
2.3 主分量分析法的实现步骤 10
3 算法功能的实现 13
3.1 软件MATLAB简介 13
3.2 主分量分析算法的实现 13
3.3 实例分析 14
4 点云数据的处理和分类 16
4.1 点云数据 23
4.2 主分量分析法的成功应用 23
4.3 算法的实现 23
4.4 测试结果分析 24
结论 28
致谢 31
参考文献 32
附录A 算法程序 33
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义
高度信息化的现代社会中,数据的处理与分类与人们的工作生活息息相关。人类的各项活动都离不开数据,如何正确地对数据的处理和分类,关系着问题的有效分析和解决。主分量分析法是数据处理与分类过程中的常用手段,它作为一种优秀的通过降文来提取主分量的方法[2],已经先后在地质学、资源科学、物理学、海洋学、社会经济学等诸多领域中都有了实质上的应用,对各种问题的分析和解决起到了重要作用。 MATLAB基于主分量分析的数据处理和分类:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_26992.html