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时间:2020-09-02 15:33来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Flow calculation in power system analysis is a fundamental method of analysis, conventional power flow calculation task is determined according to the operation state of the whole system operation condition and the network structure is given, such as the voltage on each and power distribution etc……Power flow calculation results can be used to research on the stability of power system. The power system commonly used in the P/Q decomposition in several decomposition Fapai born represented in polar coordinates the Newton - Raphson method, its basic idea is that the node power expressed as voltage vector in polar form, the active power error as a correction voltage vector angle basis, the active and inactive separate iteration of its main features in a (n-1) symmetrical coefficient matrix order and an order m invariant, to replace the original (n+m-1) order change, forces the coefficient matrix, to increase the speed of computing, to reduce computer storage capacity requirements.

Keywords:Electric system, Power flow calculation, the P/Q decomposition method

目  录

1  绪论 1

1.1  潮流计算的发展历程 1

1.2  潮流计算的意义 3

1.3  本文的主要内容 3

2  潮流计算的方法 4

2.1  高斯赛德尔迭代法 4

2.2  牛顿-拉夫逊潮流算法 5

2.3  P/Q潮流分解法 7

3  P/Q潮流分解法的潮流计算 9

3.1  基于MATLAB语言潮流设计 9

3.2  P/Q分解法基本方程式 11

3.3  潮流计算流程图 13

3.4  P/Q分解法的案例分析 16

3.4基于MATLAB的潮流计算程序 18

参考文献 21

1  绪论

1.1  潮流计算的发展历程 



