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时间:2020-09-02 16:39来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Based on the characteristics that induction heating power's low power factor and harmonic wave produced by current can impact the power grid. The basic principle of induction heating power supply and its development and present situation are introduced in this paper. And a comparison between series resonance and parallel resonance is put out in this thesis. With respect to the series resonant inverter, parallel resonant inverter has the advantages of simple circuit structure, the reliability of power supply, the advantages of strong load adaptability and over current protection is easy. Clearly separate the control method of the rectifier and inverter. Rectification is a major part of phase controlled rectifier regulator. The inverter part mainly introduces the pulse frequency control, phase control and pulse width modulation control.The simulation of AC/DC and DC/AC parts are produced by the PSPICE software, and the simulation results are given, verified the correctness of various control modes, also reflects their deficiencies, which is beneficial to the improvement of the further work.

Keywords: induction heating power, series resonance, PFM control, PDM control


1绪 论 4

1.1感应加热电源基本原理 4

1.2感应加热电源的发展与现状 5

1.3本课题主要内容 6

2串联谐振式和并联谐振式逆变电源的功率控制的比较 6

2.1串联谐振式逆变电源的功率控制 7

2.2并联谐振式逆变电源的功率控制 8

2.3本章小结 8

3整流部分功率调节方案 9

4逆变部分功率调节方案 12

4.1 PFM控制 13

4.2移相控制 15

4.3 PDM控制 17

4.4本章小结 18

5总结 19

参考文献 20

1绪 论


1831年迈克尔·法拉第发现的电磁感应是所有感应加热的基础。他提出现代感应加热的概念[1]  。依据的是初级线圈中电流的转变,能够在附近的闭合次级线圈中产生感应电流的现象。

电磁感应原理被普遍用于电动机、发电机、变压器和无线电通讯等方面,但是在这些应用中,人们认为所有的热效应都会产生有害的副作用。感应加热却是化有害为有利。交变磁场中闭合导体内产生的涡流和磁滞损失作用于金属本体时引起热效应,热效应即在极短的时间内产生大量的热能,对金属的表面或整体进行加热[2]   。以上就是感应加热的原理过程。 感应加热电源控制方式研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_59827.html
