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时间:2021-01-01 21:49来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:对称分量法;短路故障; MATLAB仿真分析


Title  Simulation And Analysis Of Power Transmission System Short Circuit Fault

Abstract This article introduces the method of symmetrical components and its application in the fault analysis of transmission system in detail. The basic characteristics and applications of MATLAB/SIMULINK and the basic methods and process of applying MATLAB in the simulation of power system are introduced. are basic methods and steps of. SimPowerSystems block set is used to build a model of a single machine infinite bus system, analysis the short circuit faults on the power system simulation, obtained ideal results and the results show the simulation waveform is in line with the theoretical analysis. Briefly introduces the development of power system relay protection and the application of fault component in relay protection, and discusses several basic principles of relay protection based on fault component.

Key words: fault component; short circuit; simulation analysis based on matlab

1  引言 1

1.1  课题背景及意义 1

1.2  国内外研究现状和发展 1

1.3  本文所做的工作 3

2  简单短路故障的分析计算 4

2.1  概述 4

2.2  不对称三相系统中的对称分量法 4

2.3  不对称故障的分析计算 6

3  高压输电线路短路故障模型建立 16

3.1  对MATLAB和SIMULINK的简单介绍 16

3.2  仿真模型的设计与实现 17

3.3  仿真参数设置 18

4  短路故障仿真分析 19

4.1  三相短路分析 19

4.2  两相相间短路分析 23

4.3  两相短路接地分析 27

4.4  单相接地短路分析 31

4.5  结论 35

5  线路的继电保护 35

5.1  继电保护的发展和故障分量在继电保护中的应用 35

5.2  故障分量的基本概念及特征 36

5.3  故障分量在继电保护中的典型应用 37

5.4  结论 42

结论 43

致谢 44

参考文献 45 

1  引言

1.1  课题背景及意义

随着经济技术的快速发展,电力行业在国民经济的发展中占据着日益重要的地位,是整个国民经济的基础和命脉。电力的安全、稳定和充分供应,是国民经济全面、协调、可持续发展的重要保障[1]。在电力系统的运行过程中,输电线路负担着传送电能的重要任务,是电力系统的经济命脉,其故障直接威胁到电力系统的安全运行,同时输电线路也是电力系统中故障的高发区[2]。实际运行表明,破坏供电系统正常运行的故障,多数为各种短路故障[3]。源:自/751~·论,文'网·www.751com.cn/ MATLAB输电系统的短路故障仿真分析:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_67586.html
