摘要双容水箱液位控制是过程控制的典型代表,由于其自身存在滞后、非线性特性及控制比较复杂的特点, 系统状态, 系统参数和控制算法均会直接影响控制精度, 常规的PID控制显然难以达到比较好的控制效果,从而需要对PID算法进行改进。65324
毕业论文关键词 双水箱 液位控制 PID STEC1000
Title Design program of control system with double water
tank series based on STEC1000 controller
Double tank water level control is a typical process control, due to its own lag, nonlinear characteristics and control more complex features, system status, system parameters and the control algorithm will directly affect the control precision, conventional PID control is difficult to achieve than the better control effect, which need to improve the PID algorithm.
This paper first analyses the working principle of double water tank cascade system, introduces the PID control theory which is suitable for process control, and gives the improved PID control algorithm. And the simulation results show that the improved PID controller has strong anti-interference ability, strong robustness, better control effect. Finally, this paper introduces the realization of improved PID control system, the system uses shuoren times STEC1000 controller as control unit, STEC-2016 touch screen as the monitoring unit, then through the control of the automatic regulating valve opening to control the amount of the first water tank, while liquid level control.
Keywords Double water tank Level control PID STEC1000
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1双水箱系统的研究背景及其意义 1
1.2 PID控制的发展历史和现状 1
1.3 PID 控制原理及改进 2
1.4 本文的主要内容和安排 3
2 双水箱PID控制及其改进 5
2.1 双水箱的工作原理及其数学模型 5
2.2 常规PID控制算法及仿真 5
2.3 增量式PID算法及其仿真 7
2.4 增量式PID控制程序设计 9
2.5 本章小结 11
3 控制系统的软硬件介绍 12
3.1 STEC1000 可编程控制器 12
3.2 SRDev软件 13
3.3 STEC‐2016 7 寸彩色触摸屏 16
3.4 HoxConfig 组态软件 16
3.5 本章小结 18
4 双水箱控制系统的总体调试 20
4.1 实验平台简介 20
4.2 双水箱控制系统的调试流程 PID双水箱串级控制系统STEC1000控制程序设计+代码:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_72899.html