毕业论文关键词:直接数字频率合成技术,波形发生器 ,幅移键控
Abstract: Waveform generator has become one of the most widely used generainstruments in the modern testing field. With the development of technology, the waveform generators have become increasingly demand in all aspects. This paper firstly introduces the research background and basic theory of the DDS waveform generator. Then.sine, triangle and square wave can be outputted through the software programming based on FPGA. The output wave is smooth, no glitches, and has a high frequency resolution. Fast frequency switching can be achieved and maintained when changing the continuous phase. It is easy to achieve the modulation of frequency, phase and amplitude.And the equipmentultimately realizes the function of amplitude shift key control (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK), phase shift keying (PSK), etc. The analysis results show that the equioment satisfies the planned index.
Keywords:Direet Digital FrequeneySynthesis,DDS signal source,Amplitude Shift Keying
1 前言 5
1.1课题背景 5
1.2.1波形发生器的发展现状 5
1.2.2国内外波形发生器产品对比 6
1.2.3研究波形发生器的目的及意义 6
1.3本文研究主要内容 6
2 DDS波形发生器理论介绍 7
2.1 频率合成技术 7
2.1.1频率合成技术发展与分类 7
2.1.2频率合成技术指标 8
2.1.3频率合成的技术现状 9
2.2 DDS基本原理与特点 9
2.2.1 DDS基本原理 9
2.2.2 DDS优点 10
2.2.3 DDS缺点 11
3数字调制信号介绍 11
3.1概述 11
3.2调制方式 12
3.3 ASK幅移键控 12
3.4 PSK相移键控 13
3.5 FSK 频移键控 14
4 系统仿真结果及分析 14
4.1 硬件平台FPGA 14
4.2 电路整体设计 15
4.3 PLL模块 16
4.4 异步串口模块 18
4.5 NCO模块 FPGA的DDS信号源设计:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_73606.html