the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was sub-
mitted for review and possible publication on March 27, 1998. This paper
is part of the Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 13,
No. 2, May, 1999. qASCE, ISSN 0887-3828/99/0002-0067–0075/$8.00
1 $.50 per page. Paper No. 17964.
During the period 1890–1894, various investigators in Eu-
rope published theories and test results; among them were
Mo ¨ ller (Germany), Wu ¨nsch (Hungary), Neumann and Melan
(Austria), Hennebique (France), and Emperger (Hungary)
(Wang and Salmon 1978). One of the first publications that
might be classified as a textbook was that of Conside `re in
Several of the early mathematical approaches for the anal-
ysis of bent RC members were based on ultimate strength
theories for bending, as the very advanced flexural theory of
Max Ritter von Thullie (1897) as well as that of Wilhelm
Ritter (1899), characterized by a parabolic stress distribution
for compressed concrete.
However, at about 1900 the elastic theory of Eduard Coignet
and N. De Tedesco became generally accepted, mainly because
this theory was the conventional method of design for other
materials and also for the mathematical simplification that a
straight-line stress distribution was thought to be able to guar-
antee (Park and Paulay 1975).
The wide diffusion of RC structures gave rise to a rapid
development in theoretical research aimed mainly at defining
a constitutive model for the material. Studies on the static be-
havior of RC saw their first developments in Germany toward
For the first time a method for calculating bending in RC
was published in Europe in 1886. It was the work of Mattias
Koenen, an official in the Prussian government. Koenen’s the-
ory was very straightforward and was based essentially on
establishing the neutral axis in the beam simply as a function
of its height and measuring internal stresses on the assumption
of an elastic behavior for the compressed concrete and of the
plane sections being preserved. This method is summarized in
Eqs. (9)–(13) of Gori (1999).
New proposals were presented around this time, in France,
by Charles Rabut (1898) and Coularou (1889), the latter
shown in (Gori 1999), Eqs. (18)–(21). In the same years
(probably 1887) M. Demay developed his simple method,
dated later to 1899–1900, described in Eqs. (14)–(17) of Gori
In this early period of experimentation, all the theories con-
sidered the neutral axis exclusively as a function of the ele-
ment’s height.
Soon after, in the last decade of 19th century, a number of
researchers, especially in Germany, were independently at-
J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 1999.13:67-75.
Downloaded from by SHANGHAI INSTITUTE OF on 12/12/12. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.68 / JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES / MAY 1999
FIG. 2. Analyses of Simple RC Rectangular Section Beam (b =40cm; h = 60–140 cm; AS =20cm2
) Subjected to Bending (M = 400
kN?m), Following Various Theories: Maximum Compression Stress of ConcreteWhen Varying Depth of Section
FIG. 1. Analyses of Simple RC Rectangular Section Beam (b =40cm; h = 60–140 cm; AS =20cm2
) Subjected to Bending (M = 400
kN?m), Following Various Theories: Position of Neutral AxisWhen Varying Depth of Section
tempting to analytically describe the behavior of RC. A con-
siderable advance in the development of these theories and
studies was made in 1890 by P. Neumann, starting from 1890
by Josef Melan in the Wochenschrift des O ¨ sterreichischen In- 钢筋混凝土梁性能评价英文文献和翻译(2):