in which way they were actually designed and analyzed, from
the structural point of view, in a period in which the problem
was not yet unanimously interpreted.
The most significant mathematical approaches developed in
Europe around the turn of the 19th century for the analysis of
the earliest RC slabs and beams, which were described in the
companion paper (Gori 1999), have been compared here to
investigate whether and to what degree these verification and/
or design methods were correct, and whether they are still
reliable for the control of stability of these structures.
The aim of this research was also to provide an operator
planning structural rehabilitation and/or restoration work with
more efficient tools to facilitate a better philological interpre-
tation of the structural behavior of historical RC structures.
The comparisons presented here can contribute to a better
understanding of the original design choices of early structural
designers. Furthermore, due to the high differences founded in
concrete and steel stresses, they allow a more correct approach
to the structural restoration of old and historical RC structures.
The research discussed in this paper was supported by Italian Consig-
lio Nazionale delle Ricerche through the grants CNR 93.02246.CT07 and
CNR 95.0141.CT07. Particular thanks are due to Daniele Volpato, who
prepared most of the diagrams.摘要:随着十九世纪钢筋混凝土(RC)结构在后来的几十年在欧洲的主要国家的广泛使用,大量的研究已经以评估表现在数学上这种新材料建造的结构应力条件。本文论述了一个研究项目的一部分,其中的一个目的是识别任何新兴的印象初步的研究和调查,不得不与现有理论的钢筋混凝土或,换句话说,验证是否有背后的早期理论假设之间的任何历史的连续性和今天我们的理解。在钢筋混凝土板矩形梁的弯曲度和各种计算方法可从科学和技术在世纪之交的文献,提出了在同伴纸,是这里的数值比较,探讨是否以及在何种程度上这些验证和/或设计方法仍然是可靠的。研究的终点是以提供操作者规划重建或恢复工作更有效的工具,便于更好的语言解释对历史的钢筋混凝土结构的结构性能。
因为曼宁家德国专利卖给G.A.方式公司在1880,几种结构强度试验由德国工程师在19世纪80年代的理论。计算方法被公布科龙1886该杂志centralblatt der bauverwaltung,一年后的方式测试结果(1887)出版。 钢筋混凝土梁性能评价英文文献和翻译(6):