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时间:2017-04-11 22:14来源:毕业论文
tools have been developed for numerous areas[2-4], such as in injection molding and design, architectural design, die casting die design, process planning, and also in fixture design. Sun used six dig

tools have been developed for numerous areas[2-4], such as in injection molding and
design,  architectural  design,  die  casting  die  design,  process  planning,  and  also  in
fixture  design.  Sun  used  six  digitals  to  compose  the  index  code  that  included
workpiece shape, machine portion, bushing, the 1st
  locating device,  the 2nd
device and clamping device[5]. But the system cannot be used for other fixture types
except  for drill  fixtures, and cannot solve the problem of storage of  the same  index
code that needs to be retained, which is very important in CBR[6].
1 Construction of a Case Index and Case Library
1.1 Case index
     The case index should be composed of all features of the workpiece, which
are  distinguished  from  different  fixtures.  Using  all  of  them  would  make  the operation  in  convenient.  Because  the  forms  of  the  parts  are  perse,  and  the
technology requirements of manufacture in the enterprise also develop continuously,
lots of  features used as  the case  index will make the search  rate slow, and  the main
feature unimportant, for the reason that the relative weight which is allotted to every
feature must diminish. And on the other hand, it is hard to include all the features in
the case index.
Therefore, considering the practicality and the demand of rapid design, the case
index includes both the major  feature of the workpiece and the structure of  fixture.
The case index code is made up of 16 digits: 13 digits  for case  features and 3 digits
for case identification number.
The  first  13  digits  represent  13  features.  Each  digit  is  corresponding  to  an
attribute of the feature, which may be one of“*”, “?”, “1”, “2”,…,“A”,
“B”,…, “Z”,…, etc. In which, “*”  means anyone, “?”  uncertain, “0”  
The system rules: fixture type, workpiece shape, locating model cannot be “*”
or “?” . When the system is designed, the attribute information of the three items does
not have these options, which means the certain attribute must be selected.   
The  last  three  digits  are  the  case  identification  number, which means  the  13
digits of  the case  feature are the same, and the number of these  three digits is used
for distinguishing them.
The system also rules: “000”  is a prototype case, which is used for retrieval,
and other cases are “001”,“002”,…,   which are used for reference cases to be searched  by  designers.  If  occasionally  one  of  them  needs  to  be  changed  as  the
prototype case, first it must be required to apply to change the one to “000” , and the
former is changed to referential case automatically.
The construction of the case index code is shown in Fig.1. 1.2 Case library
The case library consists of lots of predefined cases. Case representation is one
of  the  most  important  issues  in  case  based  reasoning.  So  compounding  with  the
index code,.
1.3 Hierarchical form of Case
The  structure  similarity  of  the  fixture  is  represented  as  the  whole  fixture 事例推理的夹具设计英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_4865.html