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时间:2017-04-11 22:14来源:毕业论文
similarity, components similarity and component similarity. So the whole fixture case library, components case library, component case library of fixture are formed correspondingly. Usually design inf

similarity,  components  similarity  and  component  similarity.  So  the  whole  fixture
case  library,  components  case  library,  component  case  library of  fixture are  formed
correspondingly.  Usually  design  information  of  the  whole  fixture  is  composed  of
workpiece  information  and workpiece  procedure  information, which  represent  the
fixture satisfying the specifically designing function demand. The whole fixture case
is  made  up  of  function  components,  which  are  described  by  the  function
components’  names  and  numbers. The  components  case  represents  the  members. (function component and other structure components,  main driven parameter, the
number, and their constrain relations.)   The component case (the lowest layer of the
fixture) is the structure of function component and other components. In the modern
fixture design there are  lots of parametric standard parts and common non standard
parts. So  the  component  case  library  should  record  the  specification parameter and
the way in which it keeps them.   
2 Strategy of Case Retrieval
In the case based design of fixtures ,the most important thing is the retrieval of
the  similarity, which  can help  to obtain  the most  similar  case, and  to  cut down  the
time  of  adaptation. According  to  the  requirement  of  fixture  design,  the  strategy  of
case retrieval combines the way of the nearest neighbor and knowledge guided. That
is,  first  search  on  depth,  then on  breadth;  the knowledge guided  strategy means  to
search on the knowledge rule from root to the object, which is firstly searched by the
fixture type, then by the shape of the workpiece, thirdly by the locating method. For
example,  if  the  case  index  code  includes  the  milling  fixture  of  fixture  type,  the
search is just  for all milling  fixtures, then  for box of workpiece shape, the  third  for
1plane+ 2pine of locating method. If there is no match of it, then the search stops on
depth, and returns to the upper layer, and retrieves all the relative cases on breadth.
Retrieval algorithms:
1)According  to  the  case  index  information  of  fixture  case  library,  search  the
relevant case library;
2)Match the case index code with the code of each case of the case library, and calculate the value of the similarity measure;
3)Sort  the  order  of  similarity  measure,  the  biggest  value,  which  is  the  most
analogical case.
Similarity between two cases  is based on  the similarity between  the two cases.
features. The  calculation  of  similarity measure  depends  on  the  type  of  the  feature.
The  value  of  similarity  can  be  calculated  for  numerical  values,  for  example,
compareWorkpiece  with  the  weight  of  50kg  and  20kg.  The  value  can  also  be
calculated between non numerical values, for example, now the first 13 digits index
code is all non numerical values. The similarity measure of a fixture is calculated as
follows:   事例推理的夹具设计英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_4865.html