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时间:2021-01-03 15:43来源:毕业论文
1 14.0Hz (9) The objective function combines linearly the weight of fresh water tank with natural frequency of structure like Eq. (10). The objective is to get an economic and sound structure to reduc

ω1 ≥ 14.0Hz  (9)  

The objective function combines linearly the weight of fresh water tank with natural frequency of structure like Eq. (10). The objective is to get an economic and sound structure to reduce the weight of stiffener W and to increase the first natural frequency ω 1.  

 where, subscript t and 0 mean target and current values, respectively. α and β are weighting factors and set α = 0.5, β = 0.5 in this paper.  

4.3 Optimization results and discussion 

The optimum design was carried out to get an optimal size of stiffener and plate thickness on the fresh water tank to maintain its anti-vibration design. Table 4 shows the results of the design variables before and after optimization. It shows that the stringer S8 is increased by 72% and the others by 4.0-52%. This result indicates that the most reasonable modification method is to increase the stringer, which has an effect on decreasing the span of the vertical stiffeners. In this case, however, the plate thickness does not have any effect on the natural frequency of the structure. Table 5 shows the variation of natural frequency and weight of structure before and after optimization. According to the results, the first natural frequency increased by 163% from 8.6Hz to 14.02Hz, and the safety margin with twice passing frequency of the propeller correspondingly changed from -29.1% to 15.5%. Therefore, the structure is free from resonance. Moreover, the weights of stiffeners which are applied to the design variables also decreased in spite of the higher natural frequency. In summary, the local vibration problems which require avoidance of structure resonance through the movement of natural frequency without additional weight have been successfully solved by the proposed optimization method. Table 6 and Fig. 7 show the comparison of optimization results between GA and IEOA. The evaluation number means a total evaluation number of the objective function used in the optimization procedure, and is directly proportional to the total calculation time. According to the results, IEOA can give better solutions than GA on accuracy and convergent speed. These results lead us to draw the conclusion that the proposed new hybrid algorithm is a more powerful global optimization algorithm from the view of convergent speed and global search ability.




1. 介绍

许多动态分析的重点是要找到最大的响应点,并避免给定结构在所有激励力下的的共振。通常,这些特性提供设计极限的基本准则,从而来确定一个结构的动态特性及其重量。为了这个原因,减少响应和避免共振的最小重量一直是设计工程师主要关注的问题。 船舶结构优化设计英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_67792.html
