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时间:2021-07-05 19:29来源:毕业论文
You edit the web server config file and specify the location of your Ruby apps public directory. There is no step 2. All configuration is done within the web server config file. Phusion Passenger auto

You edit the web server config file and specify the location of your Ruby app's 'public' directory.

There is no step 2.

All configuration is done within the web server config file. Phusion Passenger automates pretty much everything. There is no need to start a cluster and manage processes. Starting/stopping processes, restarting them when they crash, etc. - all automated. Compared to other app servers, Phusion Passenger has far fewer moving parts. This ease of use is one of the primary reasons why people use Phusion Passenger.

Also unlike other app servers, Phusion Passenger is primarily written in C++, making it very fast.

There's also an Enterprise variant of Phusion Passenger with even more features, such as automated rolling restarts, multithreading support, deployment error resistance, etc.

For the above reasons, Phusion Passenger is currently the most popular Ruby app server, powering over 150,000 websites, including large ones such as New York Times, Pixar, Airbnb, etc.

Phusion Passenger vs other app servers

Phusion Passenger provides a lot more features and provides many advantages over other app servers, such as:

Dynamically adjusting the number of processes based on traffic. We run a ton of Rails apps on our resource-constrainted server that are not public-facing, and that people in our organization only use at most a few times a day. Things like Gitlab, Redmine, etc. Phusion Passenger can spin down those processes when they're not used, and spinning them up when they're used, allowing more resources to be available for more important apps. With other app servers, all your processes are turned on all the time.

Some app servers are not good at certain workloads, by design. For example Unicorn is designed for fast-running requests only: See the Unicorn website section "Just Worse in Some Cases".

Workloads that Unicorn is not good at are:

Streaming workloads (e.g. Rails 4 live streaming or Rails 4 template streaming).

Workloads in which the app performs HTTP API calls.

The hybrid I/O model in Phusion Passenger Enterprise 4 or later makes it an excellent choice for these kinds of workloads.

Other app servers require the user to run at least one instance per application. By contrast, Phusion Passenger supports multiple applications in a single instance. This greatly reduces administration overhead.

Automatic user switching, a convenient security feature.

Phusion Passenger supports many MRI Ruby, JRuby and Rubinius. Mongrel, Unicorn and Thin only support MRI. Puma also supports all 3.

Phusion Passenger actually supports more than just Ruby! It also supports Python WSGI, so it can for example also run Django and Flask apps. In fact Phusion Passenger is moving into the direction of becoming a polyglot server. Node.js support on the todo list.

Out-of-band garbage collection. Phusion Passenger can run the Ruby garbage collector outside the normal request/response cycle, potentially reducing request times by hundreds of milliseconds. Unicorn also has a similar feature, but Phusion Passenger's version is more flexible because 1) it's not limited to GC and can be used for arbitrary work. 2) Phusion Passenger's version works well with multithreaded apps, while Unicorn's does not.

Automated rolling restarts. Rolling restarts on Unicorn and other servers require some scripting work. Phusion Passenger Enterprise completely automates this way for you.

There are more features and advantages, but the list is really long. You should refer to the comprehensive Phusion Passenger manual (Apache version, Nginx version) or the Phusion Passenger website for information.

I/O concurrency models

Single-threaded multi-process. This is traditionally the most popular I/O model for Ruby app servers, partially because multithreading support in the Ruby ecosystem was very bad. Each process can handle exactly 1 request at a time. The web server load balances between processes. This model is very robust and there is little chance for the programmer to introduce concurrency bugs. However, its I/O concurrency is extremely limited (limited by the number of processes). This model is very suitable for fast, short-running workloads. It is very unsuitable for slow, long-running blocking I/O workloads, e.g. workloads involving the calling of HTTP APIs. Rubyonrails服务器英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_77918.html
