The Basic Civil Service Ranks Parallel System
In recent years , China promulgated the grass-roots civil service rank parallel system of the new policy,the implementation of the help to perfect the management system of the current our country civil servants and reshape our excellent political ,and ultimately meet the grass-roots civil servants, self realization needs. However, in the implementation of the system have yet to be fundamentally shake the dominant position in the promotion, the lack of scientific and reasonable evaluation mechanism, increase the financial burden in county government. In order to promote the effective implementation of the policy, China should perfect system of position classification of civil servant, the appropriate cross pull between the amplitude of the rank and treatment, clear rank promotion, improve grass-roots civil servants internal assessment and appraisal mechanism, constructing the financial guarantee mechanism eventually improve the basic management system of civil servants.
Key Words: Grass-roots civil servants; Post rank parallel system; promotion rank
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
一 基层公务员职务与职级并行制度内涵 1
(一)基层公务员的内涵 1
(二)职务的含义 1
(三)职级的含义 1
(四)基层公务员职务与职级并行制度内涵 1
二 基层公务员职务与职级并行制度的推行意义 2
(一)有助于完善当前我国公务员队伍的管理体制 2
(二)有助于重塑优良政风 2
(三)有助于调动基层公务员工作积极性 3
(四)有助于提高基层公务员的物质待遇 4
(五)有助于满足基层公务员自我实现的需要 4
三 基层公务员职务与职级并行制度的推行困境 5
(一)尚未根本动摇职务晋升的主导位置 5
(二)由“跑官买官”变成了“跑级买级” 5
(三)缺乏科学合理的考核机制 6
(四)加重县级政府财政负担 6
(五)基层公务员法制亟待进一步完善 6
四 西方公务员制度经验借鉴 7
(一)以功绩晋升为主 7
(二)科学的公务员职位分类 基层公务员职务与职级并行制度探讨:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_43890.html