ABSTRACT The bona fide acquisition system is an important system in the real right law. Our country is in a stage of rapid development of the socialist economy, establishment of bona fide acquisition system is conducive to safeguarding the security of the market transaction, protect the bona fide assignee's interest, help to further enhance the stability of the economic order of the society. The "real right law", which was implemented in our country in 2007, has made clear and specific provisions on the system of bona fide acquisition from the elements of its constitution and the scope of its application. In this paper, the concept, theoretical basis, constitutive requirements, scope of application and the existing problems in the judicial practice are thoroughly studied. Through the investigation of various legislation at home and abroad, combined with the current situation of our country and the current situation of legislation, we put forward the relevant measures to improve the system of bona fide acquisition.
Key words:bona fides;component;movable property;immovable property
目 录
第一章 善意取得制度概述 1
1.1善意取得制度的概念和渊源 1
1.3善意取得的理论依据 3
第二章 善意取得制度的适用范围4
2.1动产所有权 4
2.2不动产所有权 4
第三章 我国善意取得制度在司法实践中存在的问题6
3.2 对于不动产善意取得制度存在的问题 6
第四章 完善我国善意取得制度的相关措施8
4.2 完善不动产善意取得制度的建议8
结束语 10
致谢 11
参考文献 12
第一章 善意取得制度概述
对于无权处分,民法的一般理念是,任何人均无权处置他人之物,即使受让人可以取得物的占有,但是所有人可基于所有权的追及力对占有人行使返还请求权。现今多数国家法律规定:无权处分人处分他人之物,应当取得所有权人的同意或者事后征得其追认始生效力。这是现今民法对罗马法所有权绝对原则相关制度的延伸。罗马法规定“不管什么样的人,不得以超过其所享有的权利给与他人”及“发行我物之外,我收回之”的准则,近代民法的所有权绝对原则和追及力正是上文中罗马法原则的拓展。根据该原则,非所有人转让他人财产时是非法的,受让人从占有人处取得非法转让的动产,由于所有权的追及力,受让人不得取得物权。为了对受让人的权利进行救济,罗马法规定,非所有人转让后,受让人可通过占有时效而取得所有权(1年)。但是,该动产1年短时取得时效的机能并不取决于对动产买卖安全的庇护。 论物权的善意取得制度:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_47963.html