摘 要:随着商品经济的日益发达,购物方式也是越来越多样化,消费者权益的保护显得日渐艰难。新修订的《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》第25条规定了非传统购物方式下消费者的后悔权,后悔权成为法定权具有特殊性,对后悔权在实际生活中的适用不可小觑。本文以新消法为切入点,梳理了后悔权的基本理论适用,同时根据立法现状和生活实际,对此次立法的不足之处进行探讨,并对经营者经营方式的范围、后悔权的行使期限、兜底条款、消费者滥用后悔权的行为等提出完善建议,希望可以实现消费者与经营者双赢的局面。 57507
Abstract:With the quick development of commodity economy, people are approaching to a variety of ways to shopping, which makes the protection for consumers' rights more difficult. The 25th clause in the newly revised Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests provides the right of consumer’s regret under non-traditional ways of shopping. Besides, the process to make the right to regret become a statutory right has its own specialty. So we can’t ignore the application of the right to regret in real life. In this paper,we consider the newly revised Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests as a starting point and arrange the basically theoretical application of the right to regret.What’s more, according to circumstance of legislation and real life,we study the inadequacy of this legislation and put forward thoughtful proposals to the management scope, the service time of the right to regret, fallback provisions and consumer’s abuse of regret of the right, hoping to achieve a win-win situation between consumers and operators.
Key words: consumers, the right to regret, thoughtful proposals
目 录
一、引言. . 6
二、消费者后悔权法律界定. . 6
(一)消费者后悔权的性质 6
(二)消费者后悔权与相关概念的比较. 7
三、消费者后悔权的适用规则. 9
(一)适用后悔权的范围. 9
(二)不适用后悔权的商品 10
(三)消费者后悔权的行使要件. 11
四、消费者后悔权适用的问题及完善建议 12
(二)明确后悔权行使的期限和费用承担. 13
(三)界定“商品完好”的标准. 14
(五)遏制消费者滥用后悔权的行为及限制措施. 15
结论. . . 17
参考文献. .18
致谢. .19
2013年10月25日,第十二届全国人大常委会第五次会议通过了《关于修改〈中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法〉的决定》,这是自该法1993年颁布后的首次修订,其中修改的亮点之一就是赋予了消费者一项新的权利——“后悔权”,简单来说就是消费者在购买商品之后,如果对该商品产生了悔意,不愿意购买,可以在收到商品之日起七日内将完好的商品退回给经营者,而且不需要说明任何理由,不需要承担任何不必要的费用。 “后悔权”制度的设立,为消费者提供了一次理性判断自己消费的机会,而且赋予了退货的权利,从而可以最大限度的保护消费者的合法权益。 后悔权立法的理性思考对新消法第25条的适用与完善:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_62261.html