毕业论文关键词 商标权共有 准共有 规制原则
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Total registered trademark Issues
This paper summarizes and analyzes and issues related to the results of theoretical studies have been collected and analyzed with the legislation of relevant topics and case, and thus able to improve our co-ownership of the trademark legislation to provide some independent thinking. This paper studies from three aspects. First, the concept of a common trademark, as well as the total of the Property Law and Trademark fundamental difference between total and to trademark common theoretical basis and practical basis, as well as its nature expounded; Secondly, the country's first There are cases of trademark disputes are analyzed, pointing out that China has established the necessity trademark of tenure systems, and on the part of a representative of the right to national trademark system compares study, summarizes the characteristics of foreign legislation concerned; Finally, in based on the study above, the system should be designed to raise a total of trademark principles, and related legislative principles.
Keywords Trademark Total Quasi-total Regulation principles
目 次
1 引言 1
2 商标专用权共有概述 1
2.1 商标专用权共有的概念 1
2.2 商标权共有的理论依据和现实基础 3
2.3 商标权共有的性质 5
2.3.1 按份共有 6
2.3.1 共同共有 6
3 商标权共有行使规则实证分析及立法例分析 7
3.1 典型商标权共有案例的实证分析 7
3.2 商标权共有立法例分析 9
4 商标权共有的规制原则和相关立法建议 12
4.1 规制知识产权共有的基本原则 12
4.2 商标权共有的立法建议 13
结 论 15
致 谢 16
参 考 文 献 17
1 引言
此前,我国专利法和著作权法均设定了权利共有制度,惟独商标法没有设定。笔者认为,承认并允许商标共有,不仅是商品经济发展过程中商标法律关系日益复杂的必然反映和客观实践的迫切需要,而且也是完善我国商标法律制度,使我国商标法与国际惯例接轨的重要体现。 商标权共有制度的确立,在我国商标法立法史上,无疑具有里程碑的意义,可喜可贺。同时,作为一项全新的法律制度,如何准确地贯彻实施,更是我们必须尽快研究、及时解决的问题。论文网 注册商标权共有问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_75334.html