Reflections On the Teaching Reform Of the Course Of Ideological and Political Education Theory – Take Normal University as An Example
Abstract:Ideological and political education in Chinese higher education plays an important role in the professional system. Ideological and political education subject since the opening to the social development and training a large number of talents in the ideological and political work. However, with the rapid development of China's society and economy, in theory on ideological and political education course in colleges and universities under the new situation there were some unanswered questions is absolutely necessary on the basis of past experience, achievements, and comprehensive reform of the course of ideological and political education theory and innovation. The only way of ideological and political education of the subject in order to adapt to the development of modern society needs, thereby contributing to the development of our society.
Key words:Ideological and political education;Theory course;Reform
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、思想政治教育理论课教学现状及其改革的原因 2
(一)思政理论课课堂教学现状及问题 2
(二)思政理论课教学现状的原因分析 3
二、思政理论课教学改革的重要文度 4
(一)教学内容改革 4
(二)教学方法改革 5
(三)教学管理改革 5
三、实现思政理论课教学改革的对策 6
(一)整合教学内容 6
(二)创新教学方法 8
(三)完善教学管理 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12
在大力提升学生的科学文化素质的同时,思想道德素质也不能落后。因此,高校思政理论课任重而道远。然而当前的现状却不容乐观。在师范学院,我们开设的主要课程有《思想政治教育学原理》、《政治经济学》、《思想政治教育学科教学新论》等。这些课程理论内容大多较为晦涩难懂并且空洞枯燥,说理性强,和实际有一定的距离。如教师在教授《思想政治教育学原理》时,讲到第二章“思想政治教育学的理论基础和知识借鉴”,同学们看着课本还没开始学就觉得没意思,对于空泛地理论说教慢慢地就有了一种排斥和抵触的心理,久而久之也给本课程教师的教学带来了一定的难度。 思想政治教育理论课教学改革的反思:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_7693.html